[NAGDU] Using positive reinforcement instead of punishment

David david at bakerinet.com
Mon Jan 22 14:45:43 UTC 2018

GDF trains for overheads - a bar at head level.  Claire was perfect with 
that, but I have had to do a lot reinforcement to get her to stop, or 
guide around, overhead branches.  She's getting better, but she 
remembers the places even when the branches or leaves have already been cut.

*David in Clearwater, FL*
*david at bakerinet.com*
On 1/22/2018 9:26 AM, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU wrote:
> My last dog from GDB was very good at overheads, because they really
> worked on it.  They had an obstacle course set up in the garden, with
> overhead bars that fell down with a clang if one bumped into them, so we
> could actually practice.
> That was 20 years ago now.  Does GDB still really work at avoiding
> overheads, or does any other school?  I know they can be tricky, as dogs
> don't really look up very high.
> Tracy

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