[NAGDU] Off leash dogs! What can I do?
Dan Weiner
dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net
Sat Oct 20 08:55:33 UTC 2018
Here goes Dan with one of his endless stories. But don't worry they are
all true except the ones I make up--lol.
No really, these did happen.
Maryland, 2005. I was living there for work, I developed a walking
route and one part o the route there were houses. One house's owners in
particular would let their poor dog just run out in to the street, when
I say poor dog because I mean look not only isn't it good for me but
that poor dog, Max, could gt hit. I trieied to explain that my dog is a
guide dog and so on, they said "but I thought they were trained tnot to
do anything with other dogs, maybe you should get another one". I
thought to myslef "maybe you should get another brain'. Then I tried
explaining that it wasn't safe for their dog, I mean, you may find this
surprising guys, but there are cars on streets. the doggie would come up
out off the front yard and run at me when I was crossing astreet. Now
just to show you that even our assoicciates in the guide dog field
aren't always thinking I asked a trainer I'd prefer not to name him,
and he said "oh just avoid that street. What do we do. My word.
I ust hope Max was all right and never got hit--sad face.
And again, in my neighborhood now in Florida, A very nice family lives a
few blocks away but their two dogs keep just running out in to the
sidewalk and I'll admit the first time it scared the living you know
what out of me. Parker is a very calm dog thank whatever power you
want to thank, and he always takes this stuff in his stride, but again
talking to them seemed to do no good. It seems that people don't want
to alter at all their "dog handling"--lol to accomodate us--lol. I've
actually never understood people who let their poor dogs just run out
and maybe get hurt, ther'es a time and a place for it and I love running
dogs, but how about a fence or a dog park or some good place. Anyway
those are my stories, i do think the next time around if I ever have
this deal again if talking doesn't work I might consider authorities
being contacted, it's getting out of hand most places I go. Fortunately
I am blessed with an amazing dog. but he's only human, wait that didn't
come out right.
Warmest regards to all,
Dan and the Parker Pup
On 10/20/2018 2:13 AM, Bianka via NAGDU wrote:
> Hello Tara,
> First of all, if you encounter the same dogs on a regular bases, try to talk to the owners. If possible, stay nice and friendly as much as you can. Something along the line my dog is working and my life depends on her being able to do her work. Secondly, be aware of your dog‘s behavior around the other dogs. Protect her when you can and if she wants to slow down or change the route a bit because of an off leash dog let her do so if it‘s at all reasonable. Stay calm as much as you can, if the other dogs are friendly, stay friendly and calm yourself with your dog. It‘s important to keep the stress level down because you don‘t want your dog to start reacting.
> As for the being barked and growled at, are you sure the dogs doing the barking and growling are off leash? In my experience, being barked and growled at is a pretty normal experience with leashed dogs as well.
> Of course, you can always try to raise awareness on the issue of offf leash dogs by talking to local newspapers and such.
> As to legal possibilities, no idea as the laws are different over here.
> good luck and safe travels!
> Best regards,
> Bianka
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