[NAGDU] researching about getting a guide dog

d m gina dmgina at mysero.net
Sat Dec 28 04:57:06 UTC 2019

My niece couldn't understand why I wouldn't let the dog be petted all 
of the time in harness.
I finally said, lets put a pillow case over your head and see how you 
get around, then have to depend on someone else a cane or a dog.
She got the hint.
I also know if my dog stayed with them they would have her ruined in 
five minutes.
Feeding the dog people food all of the time.
I finally shared, did you ever think, when we take the dogs to 
restaurants if you feed the dog at home they would try to get into a 
persons plate at the restaurant?
Then they didn't think about that.
Now this dog, going up to steps I have to go really slow so I don't fall.
My feet hurt allot walking on gravel, so walking to the stairs, she was 
quite slow.
Way to slow for the family.
We don't go to the home that often, so I didn't worry about it.
I told them about the sore feet, and they had to just accept that.
Had to laugh when you said you felt you were getting to old.
Stay special and grow old together.
Original message:
> Well, I got a dog because it was beginning to hurt my right hand to use a
> cane. At first I wasn't comfortable with the dog, for people decided the dog
> made me more independent. These people had no idea what I had been doing. I
> got rather sick of people wanting to pet, wanting to talk to the dog, alking
> about the dog being my eyes, and acting as if the dog's ability to see made
> it my superior. Gradually, I came to enjoy using my dogs until the last one.
> I had some problems with it wanting to hassle other dogs. Then I got refused
> a ride in an Uber. The driver was too cowardly to face me; he just saw the
> dog and drove off. I decided that I would just as soon kiss the whole hassle
> goodbye and going back to using a cane.
> I went back to using a cane. Then people started rushing to tell me I was
> going to run into something when my cane would touch it and on and on. I
> came to realize through all this that using the dog and using the cane each
> had its own set of issues. Then I cane to realize I was missing using a dog.
> The main two reasons are that I just love dogs and I walk straighter with a
> dog. I had thought I wouldn't get another dog because I'm getting old and
> was having trouble walking; now I am still getting old and having less
> trouble walking, so I am considering getting another. I haven't applied just
> yet because my last dog, when I retired it, I decided to keep. I had given
> the others away. I have now decided that I will most likely apply for
> another dog, but I will wait until this dog has died. He is 13.5 years old
> and still going strong, though there are subtle changes in him that are
> likely increasing.
> If I were going to apply to a school, I would learn much about what the dog
> training school has to offer you with regard to dogs first. Then I would
> talk to the ones I favored most concerning whether they have a mobility
> program. Also, while I was researching, I might find another way to get some
> O&M Skills.
> I hope this makes sense.
> Cindy Lou Ray
> cindyray at gmail.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of andrew edgcumbe via
> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 9:52 PM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Cc: andrew edgcumbe <rollercoasterman86 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [NAGDU] researching about getting a guide dog

> Hi  I am just researching about the idea of getting a guide dog. I know it
> may or  may not be for everybody in a sence because of work involved. I
> like to hear about people's experiences and ask questions. I  know it is not
> for everybody but how do you really know for sure weather it is for you or
> not for you you might think as a non guide dog user that it may be an option
> but in a sence  may not fully realize what is involved.  I have been
> suggested by it i has been suggested by other people i should consider it
> and stuff like that in the past and think it would be good idea for me.  but
> in last week or so I decided to start looking into it all on my own. I know
> you do need good o and m skills. i can walk at least 2 or 3 roots myself.
> What is your experience been like with a guide dog would you reckommend
> thatdog to those who feel like it would be an option to them?  Would you
> feel a guide dog has made you even more independent
> over time did you find you were less independent without one?   like
> could you compair if it made a difference or not in your life as a blind
> person.  and if you have a guide dog why did you even consider getting one?

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