Dan Weiner dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net
Wed Feb 20 10:03:20 UTC 2019

Hello, Jordan, if someone told me that I'd want specifics as to what 
exactly the skills are I don't have, otherwise I wouldn't take it too 
seriously except that they're trying to brush you off which isn't good, 
see if you can pin them down.



On 2/19/2019 6:50 PM, Jordan Gallacher via NAGDU wrote:
> I find it really odd that GDA is telling me that I do not have the  > skills to handle a guide dog when field reps from a couple other > 
schools have told me that I am a great handler. In fact, the last > two 
field reps to tell me that were just plain surprised that I was > not 
willing or wanting to send Belto back like others might have and > 
probably would have done with the isues he had even at the > beginning. 
My field rep from the school where I received September > was the same 
and had tried at one point to talk me into retiring her, > and to this 
day neither he or I can figure out what did it to get her > working 
properly until she was attacked. GDF, GEB, and Southeastern > are the 
other schools I am looking into at this point. > > Jordan > > 
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