[NAGDU] Mushers- Raul and Inviation

TN Affiliate 2nd VP jboehm at nfbtn.org
Mon Jul 1 15:05:12 UTC 2019

Greetings from Tennessee Association of GUide Dog Users, the TN affiliate, and the nashville chapter!
Raul- I second the Mushers. Bogey has gotten used to the application of the wax his paws. . He  is a baby when it comes to his paws :) One expert recently told me that if you place your hand directly on the asphalt and you cannot keep it down for more than 5 seconds, then it is also too hot for your dog without some type of protection. 
On a different note, TAGDU is located in the Volunteer state(Tennessee). We are wanting to connect with other guide dog users that live in the states that connect with uTennessee, including Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Virginia, Kentucky, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. Please contact us off list by email at JBoehm at NFBTN.org or by phone at 901-483-1515. Keep those tails Wagin!

James Alan Boehm
Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
Human Developmental Clinical Mental Health Counseling: M. ED.

Contact Information
Phone: 901-483-1515
Email: James.A.Boehm at Vanderbilt.edu
Personal Email: jimmydagerman80 at gmail.com
NFB Email(TN 2nd VP, TAGDU Secretary, nashville Chapter President): JBoehm at NFB-TN.org
Learning Ally: JBoehm at LearningAlly.org
Kustom Cane: kustomcane at gmail.com
You Cane Give Initiative: YuCaneGive at gmail.com
Embrace challenges for personal growth! Remember! Circumstances do not mean sentences!

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