[NAGDU] would you support NAGDU by taking a shift at our exhibit hall table

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Wed Jul 3 16:59:31 UTC 2019

Hello to all,


We're almost Vegas bound, so I'm reaching out to all you convention goers to
ask if you could volunteer to take a shift at NAGDU's exhibit hall table,
which is number A49. I'm excited to tell you that this year we will be
selling very roomy fanny packs with the NFB logo embroidered on them!

If you are not going to the convention, but know folks who will be
attending, we would appreciate it if you could ask if they would support
both NAGDU and their own NAGDU division by helping at our table.

Thank you in advance for any help.


The schedule is both attached and pasted here.

Feel free to reply to all, or contact me through my info that's below in my


Warm regards



Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary

National Association of Guide Dog Users Inc. (NAGDU)

National Federation of the Blind 

Phone 813-935-0474, cell 813-767-1890

eMail Secretary at NAGDU.ORG


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people
and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds
you back



NAGDU Exhibit Hall Table Schedule

Table A49

(a star in front of the time indicates we have a sufficient number of
volunteers for that slot)

Monday, July 8

*11:00-1:00 Sherrill O'Brien and Jessica Snyder




*3:00-5:00 Melissa Green and Paul Sandoval


Tuesday, July 9

8:30-11:00 Jessica Snyder


11:00-1:00 Sherrill O'Brien


*1:00-3:00 Raul and Stacie Gallegos




Wednesday, July 10





Thursday, July 11




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