[NAGDU] FW: Leader Dog cleared to resume operations

Sarah Calhoun sc-tico at att.net
Fri May 29 16:52:48 UTC 2020

Great news from Leader Dogs! Please feel free to share!


From: Leader Dogs for the Blind <leaderdog at leaderdog.ccsend.com> On Behalf Of Leader Dogs for the Blind
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 10:00 AM
To: sc-tico at att.net
Subject: Leader Dog cleared to resume operations


We are prioritizing safety as we return to work 










Hi Sarah,


I am very excited to inform you that under the most recent executive order signed by Governor Whitmer, Leader Dogs for the Blind is cleared to resume full operations! We have confirmed with legal counsel that our services are included in the latest wave of businesses permitted to resume operations.


We have developed a Return to Work plan that provides for our operations on campus to resume in phases. The phases of this plan were developed to ensure a safe return for the team, clients and volunteers. Please know that the health and well-being of every foot (and paw!) on campus remains our top priority. All clients, team members and volunteers will be required to complete a virtual training prior to coming to campus.


For those of you who have been accepted into training and are awaiting class placement, we will reach out to you in the coming weeks with more detailed information on what training will look like and what safety measures will be in place.


Some of you may be wondering about the status of field visits and deliveries. Please know that we are continuing to review/operate by CDC guidelines and the extension of the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order in Michigan as it relates to travel and field visits. We will have more information for you soon, but for now, all field visits and deliveries remain suspended at this time.


We continue to accept applications and reapplications for all of our programs!


Thank you for your ongoing support and words of encouragement, especially over the past two and a half months.


We all look forward to the day we welcome clients back to campus for training!


Wishing you well,


David Locklin

Director of Programs




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Leader Dogs for the Blind | 1039 S. Rochester Rd., Rochester Hills, MI 48309 

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Sent by  <mailto:webmaster at leaderdog.org> webmaster at leaderdog.org 



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