[NAGDU] Update guide dog relief area for convention

Raul Gallegos - NAGDU rgallegos at nagdu.org
Mon Jul 4 23:05:58 UTC 2022

Hello everyone, I have an update concerning the guide dog relief area at 
the Marriott. The guide dog relief area is getting setup right now as of 6 
PM July 4. I have better directions than what may be in the convention 
agenda notes. When you exit the Marriott main entrance, you will turn 
right. If you like, keep following this sidewalk so the Marriott is on your 
right. Keep going until you reach an iron fence. Turn left and walk 
straight. The large area will be there. Alternatively, you could exit the 
main entrance, cross the Vallet parking lanes, then turn right and reach it 
if you like. We have a third-party company that will be keeping this area 
clean starting tomorrow, Tuesday, and go until Monday, July 11, the day 
after banquet. Thanks all, and let's all have a happy and safe convention.

Raul Gallegos - President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
346-439-7444 | RGallegos at nagdu.org

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