[NAGDU] experiences with Guiding Eyes , and guide dog foundation and guide dogs for the blind

Sean Moore seanmoore87 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 17:42:58 UTC 2023

I  just  don’t  want  to pay  for  the  dog they  don’t  have  grad benefits .

Yeah  I own the dog  and  all, but I just  don’t  want  to  look  at  Seeing  eye.

From the  school’s letter:
Dear Mr. Moore:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your recent
application for a successor guide dog and training from Southeastern
Guide Dogs.
Based on the information we have gathered thus far and after review
by the admissions committee, we do not feel that we can provide you
with a successor guide dog from Southeastern Guide Dogs. Our
decision is based on the following concern(s):
A challenging history with previous guides in respect to;
overcorrecting dogs and using unapproved equipment.
Requesting "light to medium correction" ability on list of
requests for a successor dog.

Where  they suddenly  pulled  I over correct my  dogs from  I have  no  idea.
And theusing unapproved equipment, just  came  from from a  question  on  using  a non-school harness,

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