[NAGDU] FW: Research survey on "assistance dogs" and age limit

Jen & Parmesan McEachen jenandnixon at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 01:35:58 UTC 2023

Hi folks:


Here's the response I received and thought since some members were curious,
I'd pass along the response I received. Have a lovely day and pat those
pooches! --Jen


From: Amanda Salmon <a.salmon at uq.edu.au> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 5:44 PM
To: Jen & Parmesan McEachen <jenandnixon at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Research survey on "assistance dogs" and age limit


Hello Jen,


No problem at all, happy to answer any and all questions:


*	What is the rationale behind the age restriction (over the age of
55) whereas only the younger generation qualify to complete the survey?

I actually inadvertently made an error, it should be under the age of 65, so
apologies for this. The rationale is I'm looking at whether "younger" people
have considered their future in the context of what they think they would do
with their dog and how they predict their future self will be as an older
adult (whether they view being older as positive or negative). The idea is
once you are already an older adult it's less about forward thinking. 
*	How will this survey be used? What is the research question?

This will be used as part of a research study being published as well as
forming part of my PhD thesis. No identifiable data is collected, and I'm
happy to provide a copy of the results to anyone who requests them, even if
they don't complete the survey. The research question is whether younger
owners have thought about their future with their assistance dog, what they
predict they would do, and whether their attitude towards their own ageing
influences this (e.g. if they have a more positive view on ageing means they
have thought about it and whether their plans are different from someone who
has a more negative view on ageing).


Hope this helps!




Ms Amanda Salmon

BPsycSc (Hons Class I); Provisional Psychologist; PhD Candidate; Assoc MAPS

UQ School of Psychology

The University of Queensland

Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia

E a.salmon at uq.edu.au <mailto:a.salmon at uq.edu.au>  W uq.edu.au

CRICOS code: 00025B

UQ ALLY Supporting the diversity of sexuality and gender identity at UQ.



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