[NAGDU] Any advice on how to deal with poor filtering in guide dog schools?

Parham Doustdar parham90 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 15:30:17 UTC 2023

Hi all,
There is a school that I’m going to work with in the Netherlands that is willing to do training in English. I’ve asked a Dutch friend to ask other blind people for feedback, and the reviews I’ve been getting are a consistent love/hate – there are people who really enjoyed working with them, and people who got dogs that were anxious, wouldn’t want to work, etc.
When I ask organisations here for advice, their advice is very vague and not generally helpful, things like, “yeah, that’s just the way things are.” This is why I’m reaching out here for my questions, as opposed to taking my questions to them all the time.
How do you all, as guide dog handlers, ensure that the guide dog you get is a guide dog you could work with? How can I take better control of this situation?
Thanks a lot for any help,

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