[NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!

Sidney Horn sidneyh05 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 22:56:16 UTC 2025

Hi Tracy!
I am from Illinois and will be attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
It'll be interesting / super exciting that's for sure! So many people that I know, all my family and friends are being extremely supportive of me getting a guide dog, which I'm happy about.
Do you prefer taxi over Uber or Lift? Just curious. Like if you had to use one or the other, do you have a preference?

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From: Sidney Horn <sidneyh05 at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 4:52:57 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Christina Moore <moorechristina107 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!

Thanks so much! I actually attend the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired, and I graduated high school in 2023. I've been taking some community college classes for a while. I'm currently taking 4 classes this semester (3 online and 1 in-person.) Before this semester, each semester ever since fall of 2023, I was taking 1 per semester because admin here were worried about me possibly getting too stressed with my Isvi classes on top of any Extracurriculars I’d like to do and then my college classes.
I went to public school for almost all of my life, and came to the school for the blind as a junior. I also attended private school for 2 years as well, and I'll just tell you, the workload at the school for the blind is no where near the workload I had in public and even private school. They really don't give much work at all.
Did you like The Seeing Eye? What's your dog's name? :-)
I've heard / read nothing but positive things on The Seeing Eye. I'm going to attend Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the fall. I also applied at Illinois State this past fall and got accepted.
I have toured both colleges twice and have looked into transportation in the Edwardsville area. They have paira-transit, Uber, and a Taxi as well.
Thanks for replying and nice to meet you!

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From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> on behalf of Christina Moore via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 4:40:22 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Christina Moore <moorechristina107 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!

Hey Sidney,

Welcome to the list and congrats on graduating high school and entering
college. You will have a lot of transitions at this time in your life so it
might be worth considering waiting until the summer after your freshman
year to get the dog. I only say this because some people have found it
challenging to navigate all the newness of college along with a guide dog
all at once a bit daunting. Not to say it can't be done, many have forged
this path ahead of you so it is doable. I waited until between my sophomore
and junior years at college to go get my dog. I applied to The Seeing Eye
in the middle of my sophomore year and got my dog that summer. By then I
knew my college really really well and since that was most of where I'd be
spending the first two-years of our partnership, I figured it was the right
time for me. Everything worked out for me with my dog and I at college. It
was great having that environment to work with a dog in and being able to
have so much freedom and movement was so smooth. Those first few steps with
your new guide will be so amazing, for me they were anyways, you're feeling
excited and nervous all at once but eventually things click over time and
wow, it's awesome!!
That being said, yes we all probably can tell you denial stories either
from our own experiences or those of others we've come-across. I live in a
relatively small town and don't use the Uber or Lyft here because I have a
roommate that can drive, Medicaid covers transportation to medical
appointments and I can take our bus for free so I just do either of those
things if I need to. I have had denials in the past though where I used to
live in South Carolina and I'd say they happen in both populous and
not-so-populous locations. It all depends on the drivers you get I think
and their aversion towards dogs or blind people (as we all know, a cane
user can get denied too). It is a risk we take by having these dogs but I
wouldn't trade my dog for better Uber or Lyft any day; I'd rather have her
and use the free bus or other means of travel over them denying me. Plus
they are expensive services anyways. If you've n to yet (though I'm
assuming you have) I'd say research what is available in the town where
your school is transportation-wise. If they offer paratransit, sign up if
you can once you are there and see about their hours and if that'd be
suitable for you. If not, many people find taxis better options than Lyft
or Uber in these cases.
I am sending you encouragement and kindness from the midwest and hope we
can help with any other questions or concerns about dog ownership you might

On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 5:23 PM Sidney Horn via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>

> Hi!
> My name is Sidney, and I'm 19-years-old. I decided to join this list
> because ever since late August, into September, I've been doing tons of
> research on guide dogs. I even talked to some friends about them and my Mom
> told me since I am going off to college next year at a university, to
> reconsider the idea of having one. Now my parents weren't trying to push me
> by any means, but they at least wanted me to do some more looking into it.
> Starting in September, I initiated an application with The Seeing Eye. I
> quickly got a response from them, filled out the paperwork, got my letter
> of recommendations sent in from certain people, and then had my interview
> with their manager with admissions in October.
> I had a juno walk and interview with one of their instructors back in
> December. His name is Chris Mattoon.
> I did also look into other schools as well, like Guide Dogs for the Blind
> and GDF Guide Dog Foundation.) While yes, I did like their programs, I
> wanted to stick with Seeing Eye. They are the oldest school, they were
> quick to respond and get me in, and they definitely seem like they know
> what their doing.
> As for the other schools, they had extremely long wait lists, and I'll be
> starting at a university in the fall of this year actually.
> I've watched lots of videos and read up on lots of things about guide
> dogs. While they're furry little fluffy guides, they also make wonderful
> companions, and that is just what I need with going off to college.
> On the flip side, though, I have definitely heard lots about rideshare
> denials... I'm in a Facebook group called Guide Dog Handlers Network. I
> joined to hear about others experiences, pros, cons, concerns, ETC.
> I have 2 dogs at home, but they're just pet dogs. Not working dogs. I do
> realize and understand there's a major difference there.
> How have all of your experiences been with your dogs? I feel like denials
> can happen anywhere, but it seems like you see them more often in a bigger
> city. Is that right?
> Sidney
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