[NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!
Kelly Snyder
kelly.snyder428 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 23:21:09 UTC 2025
Hi Sydney and welcome to this list!
I don’t post that often on this list. But wanted to introduce myself. I’m
Kelly and I’m working my third Guide Dog from the Guide Dog Foundation. I
received my first dog right after I graduated high school, because I knew I
wanted one prior to college. It was the best decision I have ever made! I
can’t look at life without a harness in my left hand.
I agree with others on this list, you will possibly get denied an Uber or
Lyft no matter if you’re in a large metropolitan area, or a small town or
village. I haven’t had to use either of those rideshare services because I
have a plethora of people that assist me. Plus, we have an electric E bus
here in town that I can use if I need it. And there’s also paratransit
services as well.
I have my masters degree and live and work in a small town. I also was able
to do an internship at Walt Disney World when I was in my undergrad
program. Again, that was a great thing for me to do as well! I tend to go
for things that seem to be quite daunting, meaning I attended one semester
of my freshman year and then went straight down to Orlando for my
internship that lasted about six months. Just out of high school, getting a
Guide Dog, and then onto an internship at a world renowned theme park is
daunting for anyone. But it’s something that I Have fond memories of.
Please feel free to reach out to me as my contact information is below my
signature. I do believe there is a limit of a five post per day rule. So
feel free to reach out. I know you will find the information on this list
very valuable as I have throughout my 20+ years of working Guide dogs!
Take care, and looking forward to getting to know you!
Kelly Snyder, M. A. The University of Toledo. Management analyst, federal
aviation administration.
Ph- (419)573-9668 kelly.snyder428 at gmail.com
Sent from my iPhone
On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 5:57 PM Sidney Horn via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Hi Tracy!
> I am from Illinois and will be attending Southern Illinois University
> Edwardsville.
> It'll be interesting / super exciting that's for sure! So many people that
> I know, all my family and friends are being extremely supportive of me
> getting a guide dog, which I'm happy about.
> Do you prefer taxi over Uber or Lift? Just curious. Like if you had to use
> one or the other, do you have a preference?
> Sidney
> Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
> ________________________________
> From: Sidney Horn <sidneyh05 at gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 4:52:57 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <
> nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Christina Moore <moorechristina107 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!
> Hi!
> Thanks so much! I actually attend the Illinois School for the Visually
> Impaired, and I graduated high school in 2023. I've been taking some
> community college classes for a while. I'm currently taking 4 classes this
> semester (3 online and 1 in-person.) Before this semester, each semester
> ever since fall of 2023, I was taking 1 per semester because admin here
> were worried about me possibly getting too stressed with my Isvi classes on
> top of any Extracurriculars I’d like to do and then my college classes.
> I went to public school for almost all of my life, and came to the school
> for the blind as a junior. I also attended private school for 2 years as
> well, and I'll just tell you, the workload at the school for the blind is
> no where near the workload I had in public and even private school. They
> really don't give much work at all.
> Did you like The Seeing Eye? What's your dog's name? :-)
> I've heard / read nothing but positive things on The Seeing Eye. I'm going
> to attend Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the fall. I also
> applied at Illinois State this past fall and got accepted.
> I have toured both colleges twice and have looked into transportation in
> the Edwardsville area. They have paira-transit, Uber, and a Taxi as well.
> Thanks for replying and nice to meet you!
> Sidney
> Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
> Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
> ________________________________
> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> on behalf of Christina Moore via
> NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 4:40:22 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <
> nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Christina Moore <moorechristina107 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!
> Hey Sidney,
> Welcome to the list and congrats on graduating high school and entering
> college. You will have a lot of transitions at this time in your life so it
> might be worth considering waiting until the summer after your freshman
> year to get the dog. I only say this because some people have found it
> challenging to navigate all the newness of college along with a guide dog
> all at once a bit daunting. Not to say it can't be done, many have forged
> this path ahead of you so it is doable. I waited until between my sophomore
> and junior years at college to go get my dog. I applied to The Seeing Eye
> in the middle of my sophomore year and got my dog that summer. By then I
> knew my college really really well and since that was most of where I'd be
> spending the first two-years of our partnership, I figured it was the right
> time for me. Everything worked out for me with my dog and I at college. It
> was great having that environment to work with a dog in and being able to
> have so much freedom and movement was so smooth. Those first few steps with
> your new guide will be so amazing, for me they were anyways, you're feeling
> excited and nervous all at once but eventually things click over time and
> wow, it's awesome!!
> That being said, yes we all probably can tell you denial stories either
> from our own experiences or those of others we've come-across. I live in a
> relatively small town and don't use the Uber or Lyft here because I have a
> roommate that can drive, Medicaid covers transportation to medical
> appointments and I can take our bus for free so I just do either of those
> things if I need to. I have had denials in the past though where I used to
> live in South Carolina and I'd say they happen in both populous and
> not-so-populous locations. It all depends on the drivers you get I think
> and their aversion towards dogs or blind people (as we all know, a cane
> user can get denied too). It is a risk we take by having these dogs but I
> wouldn't trade my dog for better Uber or Lyft any day; I'd rather have her
> and use the free bus or other means of travel over them denying me. Plus
> they are expensive services anyways. If you've n to yet (though I'm
> assuming you have) I'd say research what is available in the town where
> your school is transportation-wise. If they offer paratransit, sign up if
> you can once you are there and see about their hours and if that'd be
> suitable for you. If not, many people find taxis better options than Lyft
> or Uber in these cases.
> I am sending you encouragement and kindness from the midwest and hope we
> can help with any other questions or concerns about dog ownership you might
> have.
> Christina
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 5:23 PM Sidney Horn via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > My name is Sidney, and I'm 19-years-old. I decided to join this list
> > because ever since late August, into September, I've been doing tons of
> > research on guide dogs. I even talked to some friends about them and my
> Mom
> > told me since I am going off to college next year at a university, to
> > reconsider the idea of having one. Now my parents weren't trying to push
> me
> > by any means, but they at least wanted me to do some more looking into
> it.
> > Starting in September, I initiated an application with The Seeing Eye. I
> > quickly got a response from them, filled out the paperwork, got my letter
> > of recommendations sent in from certain people, and then had my interview
> > with their manager with admissions in October.
> > I had a juno walk and interview with one of their instructors back in
> > December. His name is Chris Mattoon.
> > I did also look into other schools as well, like Guide Dogs for the Blind
> > and GDF Guide Dog Foundation.) While yes, I did like their programs, I
> > wanted to stick with Seeing Eye. They are the oldest school, they were
> > quick to respond and get me in, and they definitely seem like they know
> > what their doing.
> > As for the other schools, they had extremely long wait lists, and I'll be
> > starting at a university in the fall of this year actually.
> > I've watched lots of videos and read up on lots of things about guide
> > dogs. While they're furry little fluffy guides, they also make wonderful
> > companions, and that is just what I need with going off to college.
> > On the flip side, though, I have definitely heard lots about rideshare
> > denials... I'm in a Facebook group called Guide Dog Handlers Network. I
> > joined to hear about others experiences, pros, cons, concerns, ETC.
> > I have 2 dogs at home, but they're just pet dogs. Not working dogs. I do
> > realize and understand there's a major difference there.
> > How have all of your experiences been with your dogs? I feel like denials
> > can happen anywhere, but it seems like you see them more often in a
> bigger
> > city. Is that right?
> > Sidney
> >
> > Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
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