[Ncabs] more volunteer information...sort of

Preston Johnson psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu
Tue Nov 2 02:38:16 UTC 2010

Hello fellow NCABS members. I have some information that some of you may be interested in. Americorps NC has a wonderful program available that may be beneficial to someone especially anyone interested in a Humanities degree, such as social work, psychology, sociology or teaching. By becoming a member of Americorps, a state and federally funded organization, you are able to receive funding for college while helping to serve your community. Besides the Special Education Award, some of the other benefits include health insurance, living allowance, and child care as needed. The amount of the award is based on the amount of hours each member is able to work. The awards vary from one thousand one hundred thirty two dollars to five thousand three hundred fifty dollars. The jobs also vary from tutoring and mentoring school-age youth, improving the quality of childcare for preschool children, to assisting individuals with dissabillities; just to name a few. I will add the website adress and contact information to this email and if anyone has any further questions, including a complete job listing, or wants a copy of the brochure I have they can either contact Americorps or they can contact me for any help.

Preston Johnson
psjohnson2 at my.waketech.edu

Americorps NC
americorps at nc.gov
tty 877-877-1765


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