[Ncabs] NCABS April Meeting Minutes

Cala Estes cala.estes at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 02:35:51 UTC 2011

North Carolina Association of Blind Students
April Conference Call
Start Time; 9:30 PM end Time; 10:30 PM

Members Present:
Justin Salisbury: President
Preston Johnson: Vice President
Cala Estes: Secretary
Sean Mealin: Treasurer
Sharon Newton
Chris Barrett
Alan chase

Preston talked about another possible fund raiser.

Cala gave a brief report about contacts and the e-mail list.

Justin is sending out Thank You letters to the exhibiters for the
seminar. He also talked about the summer event, and the possibility of
a Durham Bulls baseball game. Alan Chase discussed the Youth
Conference at GMS as well.

Sean Mealin gave his treasurer report from seminar and Crispy Cream.

We discussed advertizing for the state convention. We will work on
that when more information is available.

Our next call will be on Monday, May 9, at 9:30 PM
Cala Estes
NCABS Secretary

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