[Ncabs] U.S. Department of Commerce - Disability Program Manager

Salisbury, Justin Mark SALISBURYJ08 at students.ecu.edu
Wed Aug 3 19:25:50 UTC 2011

This is a forwarded message that came across the NFB of Connecticut's mailing list.  It discusses employment resources and opportunities with the federal government.
Justin Salisbury

From: Aase, Linda [mailto:LAase at doc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 3:43 PM
Subject: U.S. Department of Commerce - Disability Program Manager

Dear State Vocational Rehabilitation Contacts:

I would like to introduce myself and share my contact information with you.  I am the U.S. Department of Commerce, Telework/Disability Program Manager, located in Washington, DC.  I work closely with the Selective Placement Coordinators at the 12 Bureaus.  I serve as the champion at the agency, educating employees and hiring managers about hiring Americans with Disabilities.  I can be reached at laase at doc.gov<mailto:laase at doc.gov> or 202-482-0612.

I am working to market Schedule A applicants’ resumes to hiring managers with vacancies to fill at the U.S. Department of Commerce and would like partner with you in my efforts to employ individuals with disabilities in the Federal Government.

Applicants can forward resumes directly to me to be collected in our database and shared with hiring managers when there are vacant positions.  Applicants are encouraged to apply online for vacant positions at www.USAjobs.gov<http://www.usajobs.gov/> and indicate that they are interested in being considered via the Schedule A hiring authority. The point of contact for jobs posted via USAjobs is listed on all vacancy announcements and that individual is available to give a status update on applications.  For Veterans seeking assistance, please contact, Sean Lenahan at slenahan at doc.gov<mailto:slenahan at doc.gov> or 202-482-0767.

The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, Public Law No. 93-579, prohibits me from sharing personal information without consent to other agencies.  Therefore, I suggest when applicants are interested in sharing their information (see list below) with the Bureaus in the Department, they forward their information directly to the bureau contacts:

Charles Clark, Special Emphasis Manager
Department of Census, charles.clark at census.gov<mailto:charles.clark at census.gov>

Jennifer Croft, Selective Placement Coordinator
NOAA, jennifer.croft at noaa.gov<mailto:jennifer.croft at noaa.gov>

Bridgett Douglas, Selective Placement Coordinator
USPTO, bridgette.douglas at uspto.gov<mailto:bridgette.douglas at uspto.gov>

Kristen Gilbert, Selective Placement Coordinator
NIST, kristen.gilbert at nist.gov<mailto:kristen.gilbert at nist.gov>.

·       Resume
·       Schedule A letter
·       Copy of SF-50(if current or past federal worker)
·       Copy of College transcript (only if attempting to qualify using education)
·       Cover letter (advising of the type of position and desired location)

Once eligibility for Schedule A appointment and minimum qualifications are determined, resumes and transcripts will be shared with hiring managers seeking applicants with experience and qualifications matching the skills of the applicants.

I also recommend applicants review the information the following websites:

Please contact me with any questions and I look forward to working with you.

Thank you,


Linda R. Aase
Telework/Disability Program Manager
“It’s about what people can do that matters”.
Suite C200/Room CC241
US Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20230
202-482-0612 (Phone)
202-482-3160 (FAX)
email:  laase at doc.gov<mailto:laase at doc.gov>

"If You Want To Build A Ship, Don't Drum Up People To Collect Wood And Don't Assign Them Tasks And Work, But Rather, Teach Them To Long For The Endless Immensity Of The Sea.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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