[Ncabs] Online Registration for NFB of NC State Convention

Gary H. Ray ghraynfbofnc at charter.net
Mon Jun 27 12:51:05 UTC 2011

NFB Brothers and Sisters:
For the first time, we have an Online Registration setup for our upcoming
NFB of NC State Convention.  The Convention will be September 9-12, 2011, in
Anyone who registers online will receive a $3 discount on their
registration.  The ONLY way to get it is to complete an online form.  There
will be NO exceptions.
You cannot pay online, but this new system is a start in the right
To register, go to www.nfbofnc.org, execute the link for State Convention,
and find the link that says "Click here to Register..."
I want to tank Sean Melin for his help in getting this online system
working.  He bailed me out of a huge hole and I appreciate it.
Gary Ray

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