[Ncabs] E-mail addresses for legislators

Alan Chase achase11 at nc.rr.com
Tue Nov 29 02:30:46 UTC 2011


This is a follow-up to my e-mail yesterday and list of legislators.
Below you will find a list of all the e-mails for the individuals
serving on the Joint Legislative Education Committee.  You may simply
copy and paste this list into your e-mail address field and compose an

This needs to be done this week!!!  No exceptions!

Tom.Apodaca at ncleg.net, Jerry.Tillman at ncleg.net,
Andrew.Brock at ncleg.net, Charlie.Dannelly at ncleg.net,
Linda.Garrou at ncleg.net, Louis.Pate at ncleg.net, Jean.Preston at ncleg.net,
Gladys.Robinson at ncleg.net, Bob.Rucho at ncleg.net,
Hugh.Blackwell at ncleg.net, Marcus.Brandon at ncleg.net,
Bryan.Holloway at ncleg.net, Linda.Johnson2 at ncleg.net,
James.Langdon at ncleg.net, Marvin.Lucas at ncleg.net,
Mark.Hilton at ncleg.net, Ken.Goodman at ncleg.net,
Gaston.Pridgen at ncleg.net, Norman.Sanderson at ncleg.net,
Paul.Stam at ncleg.net, Richard.Stevens at ncleg.net, Dan.Soucek at ncleg.net

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