[Ncabs] October Conference Call

Currin, Kevin kwcurrin at live.unc.edu
Fri Oct 21 19:12:51 UTC 2011

Hello Blind Students of North Carolina!

You may be wondering why no minutes were sent out for this month's conference call. This is because we only had three callers (Justin Salisbury, Justin Thornton, and myself). You all can do better than that! 

A brief recap of what we talked about:
Proposed a tierred sponsorship system for the spring seminar with silver sponsorship being $25, gold $50, and platnum $75.
Need to recruit vendors and sponsors.
May have problem of website fixed (have domain name renewed and may have servor space).
Discussed getting a national rep for seminar.
Help us think of a theme for the seminar! sooner rather than later!

We had a good philosophy question, but only three people to discuss it.

Goals for next time:
Call in.
Address what I listed in the brief summary above.

Thanks and hope everyone is having a great semester or break or whatever else!


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