[Ncabs] Sept 12 Conference Call Minutes

Currin, Kevin kwcurrin at live.unc.edu
Tue Sep 13 19:42:26 UTC 2011

Hello Everyone!

I suppose its time for me to introduce myself for those who do not already know me. My name is Kevin Currin and I am the new NCABS secretary. I am a sophomore chemistry major at UNC Chapel Hill. I'd like to thank the members of NCABS at the state seminar for electing me secretary (because it would have been imbarassing to loose with no opposing candidates!) However, do not worry, I will not provide a lengthy introduction for every minutes email. 

Below are the minutes for tonight's conference. Its my first time being secretary at anything, so don't be too hard on me if they are terrible! haha 
I apologize if anyone's name is misspelled.


Meeting called to order at 9:37 pm

Cala Estes
Justin Salisbury: President
Sean Mealin
Brice Smith
Sharon Newton
Cindy Bennett
Veronica Puente
Lea Williams: vice President
Kevin Currin: Secretary

Discussed changing meeting time to 9:05 if it will attract more members. Discussion is still open.

Discussed student track at NC convention.
Discussed having more interactive discussions.
Discussed bringing some speakers from convention to the student seminar.

Pairing with NCAER (people who do super conference)
Start charging for exhibiters (for the first time) and sharing 50-50 with NCAER. The 50-50 sharing will be for recruiting work and money.
Need to recruit people to come to seminar.
Seminar is on Saint Patrick's Day (March 17).
Write up schedule. Use more general form for schedule (like Gary did at convention) rather than specific.
Maybe get giant door prise to make people want to stay until the end.
Suggestion for having smaller door prises to give away with the large door prise at the end (if the small prises can be donated or cheap) as more motivation to stay.

At 1 pm on September 23, there is a planning call for the Super Conference. NCAER would like 2 NCABS representatives on the call. Alan Chase has already agreed to call. We need another rep. Sharon Newton expressed interest.

Discussed splitting up recruiting students and vendors between members. Kevin and Veronica expressed interest for recruiting students.
Discussed when to make schedule for seminar. Too early and we can't be sure how many presenters will come.
Cindy suggested requesting a national rep for the seminar.
Justin suggested that everyone listen to the NABS call on Sunday September 11 to learn more about requesting a national rep.
Discussed whether or not to run training center breakout session simultaneously with guide dog breakout session. 

Shawn brought up that we need to renew domain name of website and that we need to find a new webmaster.
Cindy suggested approaching the NABS board to find a temporary webmaster.
We may have someone who can put the website on their servor, but we still need a webmaster to manage the site.

Business Cards
Leah said that the Secretary of Lincoln County chapter of NCABS could make business cards for those who are interested. Can get 10 free cards. Each additional card will be $1.
Leah suggested making business cards for NCABS conference calls, events, and so on.
Cala thought that business cards could be a good idea if we have a way of distributing them (such as having a table at the seminar).
Justin suggested exploring ways of mass producing business cards if we choose to get business cards.

Thank You Cards for Speakers at Convention
Leah suggested that we should write thank you cards. Leah would like some help writing them.
Cindy volunteered to help with typing and brailling some of the cards. 

Meeting Adjourned at 10:35 pm




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