[Ncabs] December conference call

Veronica Puente brl3517 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 02:14:39 UTC 2012

HelloNCABS members! It is time for  our last conference call   of this
year. Come and join us as we talk about many important issues for all
of the blind students of NC! Here is our agenda.

 Conference  Call December 10 2012
Monday, December 10th

1.  Welcome
2.  Approval of minutes from November
3.  Officer Reports
A.  President
B.  First Vice President
C.  Second Vice President
D.  Treasurer Report
E.  Secretary Report
4.  New Business
A.  Wilmington Seminar
B.  Greensboro Seminar
C.  Mentoring Program
5.  Old Business
A.  Washington Seminar
6.  Adjourn
 Number to call is 712-432-3900 and access code is 3866158 we know
that you are really busy with finals, and making sure that everything
is done before this year ends. However, we love to see you there!
Let's make this conference call one of the best ones  as the year of
2012 ends!

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