[Ncabs] Victory for the Blind Of North Carolina!

Gary Ray ghraynfbofnc at charter.net
Fri Jun 29 02:32:16 UTC 2012

Fellow NC Federationists!

We have done it, my friends!

The Governor Morehead school is NOT going to close!
We have Newsline funding for another year!
We beat Merger!  Services for the Blind will NOT be merged into a super VR agency!
The Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind has been SAVED!

I want to thank all the blind of NC who had a part in these victories!

I want to especially thank Tim Jones and Sharon Weddington for their work to defeat merger!

We can never do anything by ourselves!  The blind of NC came together to bring on a great series of victories.

We also want to thank the Legislature of NC for giving us these victories.

I will be able to crow in Dallas at the national Convention.  We have much to crow about here in NC.

Onward and upward to victory!

Gary Ray

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