[Ncabs] Updates and Amended Constitution

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 01:27:35 UTC 2012

Fellow blind students of North Carolina,

Thanks to everyone who made it to the NFB of NC state convention this
weekend as well as the NCABS student track.  For those who were unable to
come, I hope to see you there next year and on our monthly conference
calls!  In this e-mail, you will find updates on elections, the
Constitution, the september call, and exciting ideas forthcoming.

1.  Elections for new officers was held on Saturday, September 8th.  The
results are as follows:

Alan Chase, President
Kevin Currin, 1st Vice President
Bobbi Pompey, 2nd Vice President
Ashley Coleman, Treasurer
Veronica Puente, Secretary

Congratulations to all of our officers!  But, don't worry, if you want to
be active in NCABS there will be opportunities to take on leadership roles
through committee work.  Please let me know if you are interested with any
specific projects or have ideas.  I want to hear from you!

2.  The Constitution of NCABS was amended by majority vote on Saturday,
September 8th.  It is attached for your review.

3.  We will NOT have a september call tomorrow, Monday, September 10th.
Instead, I'm giving out a homework assignment (for those that don't know
i'm a teacher).   E-mail me at aachase1 at gmail.com by Friday, September 14th
at11:59pm with two things you would like NCABS to accomplish by next
summer.  No late assignments, please!  Note my humor and sarcasm here.

4.  I don't beleive in asking things of you and not doing them myself.
Therefore, the two things I would like NCABS to accomplish by next summer
is 1.  developing a mentoring program for blind students across the state
and 2.  develop regional student seminars so that we can reach more blind

In closing, i'm like to share a little about me.  I'm a special education
teacher in Wake County.  I'm currently working on my doctorate degree in
education and would like to pursue a professorship in the future.  In my
free time, I enjoy going to the beach and surfing. If you have any
questions, concerns, or ideas please let me know.  I value your input.
Together we will make North Carolina a better place for all blind students!

Thanks and have a great evening!


*Alan A. Chase, M.Ed.*
Special Education Teacher, Wake County Schools
Program Coordinator, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat
President, North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Secretary, Governor Morehead School Alumni Association
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