[Ncabs] National Convention Reminder

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Wed May 1 00:35:25 UTC 2013


Just a friendly reminder that I need to know who is interested in attending
national convention in Orlando, FL before our Monday, May 13th call.  Hotel
reservations should be made before June 1st and I don't think it would be a
good practice for us to agree to give money to someone who hasn't already
made hotel reservations.  Therefore, this issue will need to be discussed
and voted on Monday, May 13th.

Good luck on exams!


*Alan A. Chase, M.Ed.*
Occupational Course of Study Teacher, New Hanover County Schools
Program Coordinator, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat
President, North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Secretary, Governor Morehead School Alumni Association

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