[Ncabs] WIA legislative action needed IMMEDIATELY -

sharon_newton sharon_newton at bellsouth.net
Tue Apr 1 22:47:29 UTC 2014

Hello Everyone:  

Below is the contact information for Rep. Virginia Foxx and Rep. Richard Hudson, both North Carolina reps,  who are on the Education and Workforce Committee. We in North Carolina can make a significant impact on this issue by contacting  these reps.  Please also contact Chairman Kline (R, MN). We need him to know how important this issue is to us. His office phone number is: (202) 225-2271.  Please call or email by Friday, April 4.  

Contact info:

Richard Hudson,(202) 225-3715  Email: hudson.house.gov  then go to the link that says email Richard

Virginia Foxx, (202) 225-2071  Email:  foxx.house.gov  then go to the link that says contact Virginia

The information below, written by Rose Sloan in the Governmental Affairs office at NFB National, updates this issue, and she also gives us a call script to use if necessary.   Every contact is important and makes a difference.

Thank you!

Sharon Newton
Legislative Committee

Rose's letter:

Fellow Federationists:

I write to ask you to immediately contact your Representatives who are on the House Education and Workforce Committee regarding the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). This bill is currently being pre-conferenced which means the House and Senate are working to resolve the differences between the two versions of the bills.

As you know, we are adamantly opposed to Section 511 of Title V and the transfer of the Rehabilitation Services Administration to the Department of Labor, which are in the Senate version of WIA. Now is the time to urge House members of the Education and Workforce committee to voice their objections to these two provisions.

Here is a call script that you can use when contacting your Representatives.Please call as soon as possible, but no later than by next Friday:

Hi! My name is ________. It is my understanding that discussions are being held to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of the Workforce Investment Act. Since Representative ________ is on the Education and Workforce committee, I am calling to voice my objection to Section 511 of S. 1356, which endorses segregated subminimum wage training and employment. I am also concerned with the language that diminishes the quality of rehabilitation services by transferring the Rehabilitation Services Administration from the Department of Education to the Department of Labor. I urge Representative _________ to ensure that these sections are removed before the WIA language is finalized. Thank you!

If you are asked for the House companion bill number, it is H.R. 803.


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