[Ncabs] new member

Andrew andrewjedg at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 15:35:36 UTC 2014

i am not in north carolina yet so calling long distance won't work for
me. but i basically  subscribed to just be able to ask different
questions  and I am going to be moving to where my sweet heart is whom
i will marry in the or close to the town of warrenton and i will ask
some questions soon
On 10/1/14, Andrew <andrewjedg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all I am a new member to this group and i am just introducing
> myself at the moment.  I am totally blind and i came here to learn
> about different things and I  will be moving there and getting married
> and things.  but anyway i just joined this group and will have some
> questions soon.

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