[Ncabs] minutes 08/09/15

Veronica Puente brl3517 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 17:48:23 UTC 2015

NCABS Minutes 08/09/2014

 Call to Order: 8:05 PM


State Convention from September 17 through the 20th in Wilmington, NC.
Transportation will be provided. We will be leaving from  Charlotte, North
Carolina on Friday the 18th at 9:00 AM. We will make stops most  likely in
Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and Raleigh, but we also can  stop in other
cities if we need to depending on the number of people that need  a ride.

$40 round-trip. Please paypal Kathryn or mail check via snail mail to: P.O.
Box 29623, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

We are planning to be in Wilmington  buy 4 o'clock but we can't make any
promises because of traffic.
We need a list of people who will need a ride to convention as soon as
Let Kathryn know by August 15 if you are riding with us in the van. Email
kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
 with your name, mode of payment,  and location
where you need to be pick up. The earlier we know the best we can
accommodate you.

Activities during Convention:
We will be having pizza Friday night, provided by First Vice President of
NFB of NC Tim Jones.
Surfing will take place on Saturday morning from 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. This
activity is going to be a lot of fun, even though you might think that it
might be kind of risky  a group of professionals who have worked  with
people who have low vision and blind  will be there to assist you. Therefore
you just come over and have fun with all of us!!!

The popcorn fundraiser
This one is going to be selling a bag of popcorn with a drink for $3. Julius
will be purchasing drinks for us to sell. We will be using Bobbi's popcorn
maker and NCABS will buy the popcorn itself.

Jail break fundraiser:
Five important people of the NFB of NC will be handcuff. Kathryn will decide
on final arrestees. Each person will need to raise $100 each in order to be

Third fundraiser: Next to the popcorn station, we will have a dumbdumb tree
with multiple lollipops sticking out of a Styrofoam tree. $1 for two pops.
Random pops will have a sticker on the bottom. If you are the lucky one to
receive the pop then you will win a prize! Come out, have fun, and let's
support NCABS!

Prices for  Convention:
Registration  is $10 and banquet is $30. Hotel per night is 101  dollars
after taxes.  You can also have room mates  and bring the prize much down
for your convenience if you need to find someone to share the hotel room
with please let us know by the 15 of August  which is next Saturday so we
can start putting people together.

Business meeting will  take place during lunch at 12 at Olive Garden. Once
our Business meeting and lunch have concluded, we will go back to the hotel
and hear from our National Rep Anil Lewis and our NABS Rep (to be
determined...will know by Sunda). This speaker series will cover NFB
history, self-advocacy, and legislation.
 We will have The national representative come to our business meeting and
talked to us. Mr. Anil Lewis!!!

Help us pass the  SMART Act by submitting your stories about how college has
been for you and your struggles as a blind student. Please contact Kathryn
for help with writing your letter.

Adjourned: 9:00

Veronica Puente

“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach
us lessons that we could learn in no other way.” ~ C.S. Lewis

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