[Ncabs] Disability Rights NC

Alan A. Chase aachase1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 15:10:12 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Disability Rights North Carollina is the state protection and advocacy
group.  Each state is required by federal law to have one.  The role of
protection and advocacy groups are to legally advocate on behalf of those
with disabilities.  Disability Rights North Carolina has advocates,
attorneys, and investigators on their staff.

Disability Rights North Carolina is now accepting applications for new
Board members.  Disability Rights North Carolina is specifically looking
for individuals with visual impairments.

They have two vacancies on the Board of Directors of Disability Rights NC.
If you are interested, please use the link below to see the requirements.
You will need to submit an application.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Investigator Martino
directly at 919-856-2195 ext. 232 or via
email:gabrielle.martino at disabilityrightsnc.org


*Alan A. Chase, Ed.S.*
Exceptional Children Program Facilitator, Durham Public Schools
President & Director, Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat

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