[Ncabs] Call Tonight at 8:30pm

Milan Novakovic milannovakovic99 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 16:55:13 UTC 2017

Good afternoon friends, 

Just a friendly reminder that we have a call tonight (Sunday, September 10th, 2017) at 8:30PM EST. 

You can join the call by calling  7124323900 and using access code

Looking forward to talking to you soon! 


Milan Novakovic
(He, Him, His)
North Carolina Association of Blind Students 
Political Science: International Affairs Major
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Email: milannovakovic99 at gmail.com
Cell: +1 (704)-577-6954
"Some people DREAM about success, others get up and WORK for it"-Author Unknown

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