[Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division Monthly Telephone Meeting - This coming Sunday!!!!

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Thu Sep 12 03:58:10 UTC 2013

Dear senior Division members and guests

RE: Our September monthly telephone meeting is this coming Sunday evening


Gee! This month's meeting has crept up on us ALL --- or should I say, it
"POPPED" right up. Believe it or not --- though this day is the 11th, the
third Sunday is just three days away. Thinking on how this came about ---
September started on a Sunday, and just three days back we had the second
Sunday of the month, and here comes the third. Another interesting, yet
frustrating fact was --- in my excitement to ready myself for a vacation to
the mountains of Colorado, I spaced off sending my usual beginning of the
month email announcing/reminding us all about the new month's date for our
meeting. Though, I remembered while at our log cabin, and for some digital
reason, when going into town and locating a wireless connection, to my
chagrin, though I was able to receive email, I could not send (my email was
rejected by the server)! And yet, though minor/major, no one else in the
membership emailed concern about our date for our September meeting! --- Oh
well, all is well that ends well --- we will have our meeting.  [Though I
must say, I cannot make the meeting; I have a Writers' Division board
meeting to attend/run.]


As for a topic for September, I see in my message that was sent out
following the August meeting, that we did not assign one. Which is not a big
deal, our membership has never been shy about coming up with meaningful


One super important fact to remember for this meeting, is the new number for
calling in; in August, this took us all by surprise. And so here is the
phone number and access code:


New Phone# 1-267-507-0400 

Access# 203747pound (This number  did not change.)


So you all come. Bring your Brags&Drags. And any issue that you need to talk
over with fellow Federationests. 


One exciting topic that I bet you all will touch on, is the upcoming NFB of
Nebraska state convention, and our annual Senior Division workshop/meeting.


Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

NFBN Senior Division, Vice President

NFB Writers' Division, President

NFB Communications Committee, Chair


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