[Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division Monthly Telephone Meeting - This coming Sunday!!!!

Nancy Oltman noltman at inebraska.com
Sun Sep 15 21:20:56 UTC 2013

Good afternoon everyone


Just wanted to tell all of you, I will be MIA this evening as unexpected
guests are coming to my home.  Hope the conference call goes well and that
someone can bring me up to date.  Thanks for your understanding,




From: Nebraska-senior-blind
[mailto:nebraska-senior-blind-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Robert Leslie
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 10:58 PM
To: Robert Leslie Newman
Subject: [Nebraska-senior-blind] NFBN Senior Division Monthly Telephone
Meeting - This coming Sunday!!!!


Dear senior Division members and guests

RE: Our September monthly telephone meeting is this coming Sunday evening


Gee! This month's meeting has crept up on us ALL --- or should I say, it
"POPPED" right up. Believe it or not --- though this day is the 11th, the
third Sunday is just three days away. Thinking on how this came about ---
September started on a Sunday, and just three days back we had the second
Sunday of the month, and here comes the third. Another interesting, yet
frustrating fact was --- in my excitement to ready myself for a vacation to
the mountains of Colorado, I spaced off sending my usual beginning of the
month email announcing/reminding us all about the new month's date for our
meeting. Though, I remembered while at our log cabin, and for some digital
reason, when going into town and locating a wireless connection, to my
chagrin, though I was able to receive email, I could not send (my email was
rejected by the server)! And yet, though minor/major, no one else in the
membership emailed concern about our date for our September meeting! --- Oh
well, all is well that ends well --- we will have our meeting.  [Though I
must say, I cannot make the meeting; I have a Writers' Division board
meeting to attend/run.]


As for a topic for September, I see in my message that was sent out
following the August meeting, that we did not assign one. Which is not a big
deal, our membership has never been shy about coming up with meaningful


One super important fact to remember for this meeting, is the new number for
calling in; in August, this took us all by surprise. And so here is the
phone number and access code:


New Phone# 1-267-507-0400 

Access# 203747pound (This number  did not change.)


So you all come. Bring your Brags&Drags. And any issue that you need to talk
over with fellow Federationests. 


One exciting topic that I bet you all will touch on, is the upcoming NFB of
Nebraska state convention, and our annual Senior Division workshop/meeting.


Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

NFBN Senior Division, Vice President

NFB Writers' Division, President

NFB Communications Committee, Chair



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