[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] Nebraska Senior Division - Minutes and Treasurer's reports for Monday's Meeting - be there, where we are!

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 02:21:18 UTC 2019

Hi You All

RE: Reading material for Monday evenings September meeting of our NFB of
Nebraska Senior Division. Here are both, the August minutes, and Treasurer's




Monday, August 12, 2019


The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference on Monday, August 12,
2019. President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM CDST.
Members present were: President Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos,
Secretary Linda Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy
Oltman, Gina Finnell, Brad Loos, Steve Senteney, and Jerry Whitlow. The only
guest present was Della Johnston.


Jerry recited the NFB Pledge. Robert will recite it next month.


Linda read the June Secretary's Report. There were no additions or
corrections, so the report will become a part of the record of the


Cheryl read the Treasurer's Report as follows:


Treasurer's Report-Senior Division


August 12, 2019


Beginning Balance June 10, 2019 $1290.44




PAC plan for July $ 15.00


PAC plan for August $ 15.00


Check 1236 on Aug 10 to


Robert Newman $ 45.11


NFB Sr Division cards for Sr retreat




Total Expenses $ 75.11




Dues on Jun 6 $ 5.00


Ending Balance August 12, 2019 $1220.33 


Respectfully submitted,


Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer



The report will become a part of the financial record of the organization.


Robert suggested that someone call members who do not participate on our
calls, and remind them of our meetings.


Members who attended National Convention shared highlights that they
remembered. WHAT Robert remembered was that a gentleman from one of the
companies working on the self-driving cars said that the next major step
will be company-owned cars providing transportation, like driverless LYFTS.


Barbara shared that American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults
turned 100 this year. It started out in 1919 as American Brotherhood. It
technically still has that name, but it does business as American Action
Fund for Blind Children and Adults. She is the president and Dr. Maurer is
the General Counsel. They made a presentation mostly about what they do and
the history of it. They had a carnival. They have been concentrating lately
on tactile graphics and how to more accurately and sensibly deal with how to
represent tactile art. They released a book called Pedro and the Octopus
written by Deborah Kent Stein and illustrated by Ann Cunningham. Barbara,
Karen Anderson and a 12-year-old boy got to go behind the scenes at the
Shark Reef Aquarium to meet an octopus. They hadn't named that octopus, so
Barbara now calls her Pedrolina after the two siblings in their book. She
had read a book in 2016 called SOUL OF AN OCTOPUS by a naturalist named Sye
Montgomery. She recommended that book; it's on BARD. Before convention,
Cheryl, Nancy, Brad and Barbara got to experience an earthquake.


Cheryl said she thought the Presidential Report was outstanding. This was
the first year she was able to go to the Seniors Division meeting, and she
was surprised at how full the room was.


Nancy liked the Seniors Division seminar on fitness and the meeting at which
people shared what they learned at Rocky Bottom last fall. All the General
Session speakers were good, and Mr. Riccobono's Banquet Speech was


She thinks that the mentoring program should concentrate on teaching respect
and paying attention to speakers, rather than being on their phones or
speaking to each other. Three got up and left during Mr. Riccobono's speech.


Brad enjoyed the social things they did, and is always interested to see how
Mark Riccobono is growing into his relatively new position.


Linda enjoyed the Blind Musicians Group meeting, where a piano master class
on improvisation and attendees' performances took place. The NFB in
Communities of Faith division meeting featured presentations from publishers
of Christian materials, members sharing how they participate in their faith
communities, and a member sharing what Christ has done in her life. She
found the Membership Committee meeting a bit frustrating. The Committee for
the Advancement and Promotion of Braille featured information about Braille
Blaster by William Freeman of APH, the Canute 360 by Ed Rogers and Stephanie
Sergeant, how to teach Braille to seniors, and other Braille-related topics.


Robert liked the opening presenters, specially mentioning the nine-year-old
daughter who sang like a teenager. Barbara liked the Veterans presentation
with the Fine Arts Division singing in the background. Robert asked her to
explain what she does as announcement screener. She reads announcements and
decides whether or not to pass them on to the President.


We made some plans for the upcoming state convention. Robert will not be
there, but is willing to run for President. Our meeting will again be an
hour and a half. Robert said the agenda could be something like
introductions by attendees, a guest speaker, special topic, and technology
training. Our scholarship will be given to Jerry Whitlow.


Barbara reminded us that we need to follow up with Cameo Rogers. Maybe we
can do a video at the convention. If not, somewhere else on another day.
Robert will get in touch with her.


Back to our convention meeting agenda, Linda requested a time of QNA. She'd
like to encourage Columbus Area Chapter members to come. Amy would like us
to do "fit breaks" again.


BRAGS AND DRAGS. A cousin of Brad's died hunting.


Cheryl's drag is that she lost a good friend July 17th. Her brag is that a
man and his son cleaned up her yard, so it's looking really good.


Jerry got signed up with Radio Reading Service.


On the Presidential Release, Mark Riccobono went through the top ten
conventions with the highest attendance, and Nancy attended nine out of ten.


Robert mentioned the new membership coin.


Brad and Barbara's son Dan came back for a visit, so they got a chance to
spend some time with him.


Barbara's drag is that her phone was giving her trouble. Her brag is that
their grandson Jaimison starts first grade, and another grandson turns 16 on
the 17th.


Linda said that Amy, Jamie and Cheryl came to the last chapter meeting, and
presented the Chapter Charter and the rest of the membership coins.


There was no further business, so the meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM.


Respectfully submitted, Linda Mentink, Secretary



**Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

September 9,  2019

Beginning Balance  August 12, 2019                $1220.33


PAC plan for September                                      $  15.00

Total Expenses                                                        $



Ending Balance September 9, 2019                  $1205.33                 

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer



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