[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] May Meeting Secretary's Report Pasted in and Attached

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Mon Jun 8 18:52:26 UTC 2020


Monday, May 11, 2020

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone 
conference Monday, May 11, 2020. President Robert 
Newman called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM 
CDT. Members present were: President Robert 
Newman, Secretary Linda Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl 
Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Christine 
Boone, Jo Boshart, Gina Finnell, and Jerry 
Whitlow. The only guest present was Tammy Freitag.

Robert recited our NFB Pledge. Gina will recite it next month.

Robert introduced our guest speaker, Tammy 
Freitag, President of the National Federation of 
the Blind Crafters Division, and asked her to 
tell us why "krafters" is spelled with a k. It's 
because Joyce Kane, the division founder's last 
name is spelled with a k. It's c in the division 
name and k in the two words Krafter's Korner, 
meaning that people can't do a Google search and 
find them. Tammy asked if there was anyone who 
used to do crafts, but does not do them because 
their vision decided that it wanted to make some 
significant changes. Gina and Jerry said they 
did. Their regularly-scheduled classes are 
beginning crochet (taught by Tammy), advanced 
crochet, beginning needle knitting, and loom 
knitting. All classes are done by phone, and each 
class has its own email list. Anyone may sign up 
for classes, find out what's available or join 
the division on their website, 
krafterskorner.org. There is a class on the 21st 
in the afternoon on making a placstic canvas 
bookmarker. They plan to do one class a month, 
for however long they can run it, on different 
ways to make flowers (with ribbon, origami, 
tissue paper, pipe cleaners, needle knitting, 
loom knitting, crochet, and using a Braille 
writer.) During their convention meeting they 
will make a card on the Braille writer with a 
picture of a sailboat. Chris asked if they ever 
had anybody make wreaths for decorating doors. 
Tammy said a lady and her mother make and sell 
them. this led to a discussion of what can be 
used to make wreaths. Robert asked about the cost 
to be a member and what that cost covers. Dues is 
$20, and if you join now, it will be good through 
June 30, 2021. You can attend any classes you 
want to. They have a listserv and Monday and 
Friday night chats, which are open to anyone. 
They have 64 members. Some make things for 
charities. As a group project for convention, 
they made an afghan of 7 by 9-inch blocks, and 
the first vice president sewed them together. 
Extra blocks will be sent to Warm Up America. 
They also have email classes, such as making 
macramé bracelets and things with clay. Jerry 
asked for ideas on how to keep track of where she 
is in a crochet pattern. Tammy suggested that she 
put a paper clip on her hard copy. If reading a 
pattern on her iPad, Chris and Tammy suggested 
typing an r or star. All crafts in August will be 
Christmas themes. Tammy will send out the 
information to anyone interested in the phone 
chats. Jo asked if loom knitting is where you 
make long tubes and make scarves and hats, 
wrapping the yarn around pegs. Tammy said yes, 
and you can make anything. We thanked Tammy for sharing with us.

Linda read the March and April Secretary's 
Reports. There were no additions or corrections, 
so they will be made a part of the permanent record of the organization.

Jo asked if it is necessary to read the minutes 
if we receive it by email. We explained that not 
all members have email. This led to a discussion 
of how those members could have access, but nothing suggested would work.

Cheryl read the April Treasurer's Reports as follows:

Treasurer's Report Senior Division

Monday, April 12, 2020

Beginning Balance $1149.83


PAC for April $15.00

Ck 1239 on 4/6

Dues to NFBN $95.00

Deposits on 3/13 $20.00

Ending Balance $1059.83

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

There were no questions, so it will be made a 
part of the permanent financial record of the organization.

Cheryl read the May Treasurer's Report as follows:

Treasurer's Report Senior Division

Monday, May 11, 2020

Beginning Balance $1059.83


PAC for May $15.00

Deposits None

Ending Balance $1044.83

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

There were no questions, so it will be made a 
part of the permanent financial record of the organization.

LEGISLATIVE REPORT. Chris said the Legislature 
might begin again as early as the first of June. 
She will let us know at our June meeting if the 
Legislature is in session, and if it is, then we 
will want to call our Senators and urge them to 
pass LB-17, the bill that finishes the protection 
of the rights of blind parents. It puts into the 
law that parenting rights shall not be abridged 
on account of disability. She's not optimistic because of the long break.

Robert reported that there will be a special open 
Commissioner call-in meeting, which will be an 
orientation meeting for new Commissioners, 
Saturday, May 30, at 9:00 AM; it should be through by noon.


Chris thanked Linda for sending her old 
BrailleNote battery to her to replace her dead 
one. Jo fixed it because it wasn't working.

Jo asked Cheryl how she's enjoying her 
retirement. She's enjoying it pretty much.

Linda mentioned that her church had its first 
full morning service on Sunday with social distancing in place.

Chris asked Robert how Bonnie is doing. She's 
doing fine. They take a lot of walks.

Robert mentioned that he thinks he has a speaker 
for next month, Fred Schroeder. He will confirm 
it. Jo mentioned that she listened to one of the 
Zoom meetings that Pennsylvania had, and he was 
on there talking about informed choice with 
regard to the rehabilitation system.

There was no further business, so we adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary
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