[Nebraska-Senior-Blind] May Meeting Secretary's Report Pasted in and Attached

christine Boone christineboone2 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 22:24:44 UTC 2020


Thanks for sending along these minutes. That was a great meeting last time.
Tammy did a wonderful job for us. 

Now to everyone: I want to let you guys know I will not be able to join you
this evening. I will be sad not to hear your voices and not to hear Fred
Schroeder. I think Fred was our guest once before and I missed that meeting
as well. Now Fred is going to take this personally I know. LOL So somebody
please tell him it is only my devotion to community volunteerism that keeps
me away. 

I have a bylaws committee meeting at Church this evening at 6:30, and the
bylaws must be fixed because they include the organizational chart for our
elementary school, where I serve on the board. Then the school board meets
at 8:00 and we are in the process of hiring a new teacher. We hired him
yesterday in fact, and so I have papers for everyone to sign. 

Thank you for listening to my little ramble here. I know my volunteer life
is not very interesting. But I have been so dreadful about missing our
meetings for no good reason... I wanted to let you all know I have a reason
this time. LOL 

Yours in Federationism,

Chris Boone 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nebraska-Senior-Blind <nebraska-senior-blind-bounces at nfbnet.org>
> On Behalf Of Linda Mentink via Nebraska-Senior-Blind
> Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 1:52 PM
> To: nebraska-senior-blind at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Linda Mentink <mentink at frontiernet.net>
> Subject: [Nebraska-Senior-Blind] May Meeting Secretary's Report Pasted in
> and Attached
> Monday, May 11, 2020
> The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference Monday, May 11,
> 2020. President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM CDT.
> Members present were: President Robert Newman, Secretary Linda Mentink,
> Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Christine Boone,
> Jo Boshart, Gina Finnell, and Jerry Whitlow. The only guest present was
> Tammy Freitag.
> Robert recited our NFB Pledge. Gina will recite it next month.
> Robert introduced our guest speaker, Tammy Freitag, President of the
> National Federation of the Blind Crafters Division, and asked her to tell
> why "krafters" is spelled with a k. It's because Joyce Kane, the division
> founder's last name is spelled with a k. It's c in the division name and k
in the
> two words Krafter's Korner, meaning that people can't do a Google search
> and find them. Tammy asked if there was anyone who used to do crafts, but
> does not do them because their vision decided that it wanted to make some
> significant changes. Gina and Jerry said they did. Their
> classes are beginning crochet (taught by Tammy), advanced crochet,
> beginning needle knitting, and loom knitting. All classes are done by
> and each class has its own email list. Anyone may sign up for classes,
find out
> what's available or join the division on their website,
> There is a class on the 21st in the afternoon on making a placstic canvas
> bookmarker. They plan to do one class a month, for however long they can
> run it, on different ways to make flowers (with ribbon, origami, tissue
> pipe cleaners, needle knitting, loom knitting, crochet, and using a
> writer.) During their convention meeting they will make a card on the
> writer with a picture of a sailboat. Chris asked if they ever had anybody
> wreaths for decorating doors.
> Tammy said a lady and her mother make and sell them. this led to a
> discussion of what can be used to make wreaths. Robert asked about the
> cost to be a member and what that cost covers. Dues is $20, and if you
> now, it will be good through June 30, 2021. You can attend any classes you
> want to. They have a listserv and Monday and Friday night chats, which are
> open to anyone.
> They have 64 members. Some make things for charities. As a group project
> for convention, they made an afghan of 7 by 9-inch blocks, and the first
> president sewed them together.
> Extra blocks will be sent to Warm Up America.
> They also have email classes, such as making macramé bracelets and things
> with clay. Jerry asked for ideas on how to keep track of where she is in a
> crochet pattern. Tammy suggested that she put a paper clip on her hard
> copy. If reading a pattern on her iPad, Chris and Tammy suggested typing
> r or star. All crafts in August will be Christmas themes. Tammy will send
> the information to anyone interested in the phone chats. Jo asked if loom
> knitting is where you make long tubes and make scarves and hats, wrapping
> the yarn around pegs. Tammy said yes, and you can make anything. We
> thanked Tammy for sharing with us.
> Linda read the March and April Secretary's Reports. There were no
> or corrections, so they will be made a part of the permanent record of the
> organization.
> Jo asked if it is necessary to read the minutes if we receive it by email.
> explained that not all members have email. This led to a discussion of how
> those members could have access, but nothing suggested would work.
> Cheryl read the April Treasurer's Reports as follows:
> Treasurer's Report Senior Division
> Monday, April 12, 2020
> Beginning Balance $1149.83
> Expenses
> PAC for April $15.00
> Ck 1239 on 4/6
> Dues to NFBN $95.00
> Deposits on 3/13 $20.00
> Ending Balance $1059.83
> Respectfully submitted,
> Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer
> There were no questions, so it will be made a part of the permanent
> record of the organization.
> Cheryl read the May Treasurer's Report as follows:
> Treasurer's Report Senior Division
> Monday, May 11, 2020
> Beginning Balance $1059.83
> Expenses
> PAC for May $15.00
> Deposits None
> Ending Balance $1044.83
> Respectfully submitted,
> Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer
> There were no questions, so it will be made a
> part of the permanent financial record of the organization.
> LEGISLATIVE REPORT. Chris said the Legislature
> might begin again as early as the first of June.
> She will let us know at our June meeting if the
> Legislature is in session, and if it is, then we
> will want to call our Senators and urge them to
> pass LB-17, the bill that finishes the protection
> of the rights of blind parents. It puts into the
> law that parenting rights shall not be abridged
> on account of disability. She's not optimistic because of the long break.
> Robert reported that there will be a special open
> Commissioner call-in meeting, which will be an
> orientation meeting for new Commissioners,
> Saturday, May 30, at 9:00 AM; it should be through by noon.
> Chris thanked Linda for sending her old
> BrailleNote battery to her to replace her dead
> one. Jo fixed it because it wasn't working.
> Jo asked Cheryl how she's enjoying her
> retirement. She's enjoying it pretty much.
> Linda mentioned that her church had its first
> full morning service on Sunday with social distancing in place.
> Chris asked Robert how Bonnie is doing. She's
> doing fine. They take a lot of walks.
> Robert mentioned that he thinks he has a speaker
> for next month, Fred Schroeder. He will confirm
> it. Jo mentioned that she listened to one of the
> Zoom meetings that Pennsylvania had, and he was
> on there talking about informed choice with
> regard to the rehabilitation system.
> There was no further business, so we adjourned at 8:45 PM.
> Respectfully Submitted,
> Linda Mentink, Secretary

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