[Nebraska-students] Driver

Rachael Vacanti revacanti at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 19 06:02:14 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

I'm Rachael, for those of you who don't know me.  I'm studying journalism at UNO, and I've run into a problem:  trying to deal with drivers.

Normally, I can usually have one of my parents get me to an interview... Until one of them called me and canceled on me about 2 hours ago for an interview that was set for tomorrow.

When doing journalism, one must be respectful of the interviewee and accommodate to their schedule, not yours.  This can lead to some complications with other schoolwork, but that's another matter.

In reality, I won't have my parents driving me around to get interviews for a class assignment, or even a campus newspaper assignment.

So, if anyone has any advice on this situation, (other than move somewhere with better public transit) please let me know ASAP.  Thanks so much!

Rachael Vacanti

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