[New-york-news] WHAT IS """SEE FOR YOURSELF 2014"""""

Valerie Lewis vlewis at suffolk.lib.ny.us
Wed Mar 19 17:40:35 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues, 


Attached is an overview of the SEE FOR YOURSELF 2014; Assistive Technology
and Resource Fair to be held at the Suffolk Cooperative Library System
(Bellport, NY)  on Saturday, May 17th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. 


Please make the information, including the SEE FOR YOURSELF flyer (also
attached) , available to your family, friends and colleagues.  Feel free to
print the flyer for distribution at meetings and programs and post it on
your bulletin boards. The attached flyers are in  Publisher and WORD
formats. The flyers are also available in an Audio and Braille format (upon
request). If you have the opportunity to distribute the flyer
electronically, please use the WORD version, as Publisher is not accessible
to someone using a screen reader. 


We hope to see you on May 17th. 


Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. 




          ACCESS = LIFE


Valerie Lewis

Administrator of Outreach Services

Suffolk Cooperative Library System

Bellport, NY 11713

631-286-1600, x1354

valerie at suffolknet.org

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