[New-york-news] Fwd: Google Usability Study

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Tue Jun 6 17:44:07 UTC 2017

Hi folks,
If you're familiar with Google Docs, check out this paid research
The first step is to fill out the screener survey, and Google will get back
to you if you're a good fit.
I'm away at a conference and unable to do robust outreach. If y'all are
willing, feel free to share this with your techie friends and other local
groups of AT users.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Protain <aprotain at google.com>
Date: Tue, May 30, 2017 at 12:04 PM
Subject: Google Usability Study
To: ChanceyFleet at nypl.org
Cc: Shira Gilboa <shiragilboa at google.com>, Andrea Wong <
wongandrea at google.com>, Bryna Tsai <brynatsai at google.com>

Hello Chancey,

You participated in a Google study recently and while sadly it’s too soon
to have you come in again, we’d love to keep getting feedback from users
with visual impairments to improve our products!

Would you be able to share this screener survey link
<https://goo.gl/forms/KPYqJDYJBxe1VbJi1> to any friends and contacts with
visual impairments who you think might be interested in participating in a

Thank you!

Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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