[New-york-news] November 2017 NFB of New York At-Large Chapter Meeting

Mary Lou Mendez successwithoutseeing at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 23:16:52 UTC 2017


The next meeting of the NFB of New York At-Large Chapter will be held Tuesday, November 21, 2017, at 9:00 P.M.  As usual our monthly chapter meeting will take place via telephone conference call.  The call-in information is as follows:


Call-In Number:  218-339-4932

Conference Code:  77741



This month we are pleased to have a presentation from Jackie Anderson. Among her many accomplishments, Ms. Anderson was a driving force behind the development of the Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning (BELL) Academy in the state of Maryland in 2008.  Ms. Anderson is also a 2017 NFB National Scholarship Winner. She is a teacher in the Cobb County, Georgia  School System and has been an active member of the Georgia Organization of Parents of Blind Children. As a fellow Federationist, a teacher and a parent, she has a wealth of information to share with us.  


In order to be sure Ms. Anderson covers topics that are of particular interest to our chapter, she has asked that questions be provided to her in advance. Please send any questions you would especially like her to answer to At-Large Chapter President Mary Lou Mendez at successwithoutseeing at gmail.comm <https://mail.twc.com/do/mail/message/mailto?to=successwithoutseeing%40gmail.comm>  so she can pass them along before the meeting.


In addition, we will also have a presentation on the NFB of New York's statewide convention being held November 17-19, 2017 in Albany.  If you are attending this year's convention have a great time, but if you are unable to attend and would like to see what the convention is all about portions of the event will be live streamed on the internet.  You can listen to the convention broadcast at:: www.nfbnys.listen2myshow.com <https://mail.twc.com/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.nfbnys.listen2myshow.com&hmac=1bb8231a52bbbf7a5e13284353d73933>   


If you would like to participate in convention activities remotely, you can forward questions or comments to:


Email: convention at nfbny.org <https://mail.twc.com/do/mail/message/mailto?to=convention%40nfbny.org> 

Text: 716-222-3632


If you are interested in supporting the NFB of New York through the auctions, drawings, horse race or via other convention fundraising activities, please text or email your phone number and the NFB of New York will call to make arrangements.


The complete convention agenda can be found at:




Finally, following the convention the At-Large Chapter hopes to be an official chapter of the NFB of New York.  Becoming an official chapter is exciting and brings with it both many opportunities and greater responsibilities.   It will take as many of us as possible to make this a great chapter, so if you know others who are blind, or who are parents of blind children, or who might otherwise benefit from being associated with an organization of the blind, please invited them to join our chapter conference call to see what the group is about.


We look forward to you joining us for the November 21, 2017, chapter meeting.  


Todd Elzey,


NFB of New York At-Large Chapter


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back


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