[New-york-news] NFBNYS February Events

heather.l.bird at gmail.com heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 18:51:16 UTC 2019

Hello NFBNYS. Here are the events for February. Please make note of those in
which you are interested and join in.


Chapter and division presidents, please share this information with your
members. Everyone, please share this far and wide with friends, family,
coworkers, etc., even if they are not NFB members, as there is a ton of
great information and the calls are open to all with an interest in the
topic, (except for the board meeting call of course). The NFB is only as
strong as the participation of its members. The divisions and groups in
particular have tremendous untapped advocacy and recruiting power. These
groups and divisions are based on some of the life elements about which
people feel most strongly: parenthood/parental rights/reproductive rights,
guide dog use/handler rights/access issues, future of blind children/quality
of services for blind children/rights of blind children, and concerns of
newly blind seniors/rights of senior citizens/fighting the combined forces
of ableism and ageism. All of this is very important and these calls
represent a great way to stay involved with the Federation in between
conventions and seminars, a neat tool for appealing to and recruiting
potential new members, a way to serve and benefit all the blind of our
state, whether they are NFB members or not, and a great way to stay
connected and be heard. Our NYAGDU call got fantastic attendance for the
call with Lucas Frank from the Seeing Eye, over 20 participants, however, no
one showed up for the NYPBC or Blind Parents calls. I do not know how much
luck Carl and Mary Lou had (I hope their attendance was good, or even great)
but we are really hoping to see many of you on these calls in February.


First up we have the Blind Seniors Call on Sunday, February 10 2019 from
7:00 P.M. until 8:30 P.M. I'm sure that Carl has some great topics lined up
for the Blind Seniors group, so please call in and see what he's got
planned. The call-in number is (218) 339-4932 and the pass code is 77741.


On the same evening, immediately following the blind Seniors call, but on
the (605) line there will be a quarterly board meeting for the New York
Parents of Blind Children. Due to scheduling conflicts and some confusion
the previous quarterly board meeting of the NYPBC was canceled, so it is
critical that all NYPBC board members be in attendance for this meeting. The
call-in number is (605) 475-4786 and the pass code is 869480.


Following that will be the New York Parents of Blind Children meeting call
on Tuesday, February 12 2019 at 8:00 P.M. This month NYPBC will be beginning
a series on ages and stages starting with meeting the needs of blind infants
and possibly with a speaker to talk about EI Early Intervention. The call-in
number is (605) 475-4786 and the pass code is 869480.


We have a great New York Association of Guide Dog Users call planned this
month, Sunday, February 17 2019 at 8:00 P.M. This month we have Lisa Derleth
from Guiding Eyes for the Blind to talk about innovations and updates at GEB
as well as their Running Guides program. The call-in number is (605)
475-4786 and the pass code is 869480.


Next up we have the At-Large Chapter call on Tuesday, February 19 2019 at
8:00 P.M. The At-Large Chapter meets via conference calls given the nature
of the chapter and they often have great guest speakers lined up. Non
chapter members are invited to be guests on these calls, so check them out.
The call-in number is (218) 339-4932 and the pass code is 77741.


We will wrap up the month with a Blind Parents of NY call on Wednesday,
February 27 2019 at 8:00 P.M. We will be discussing internet security,
parental controls, adaptive and standard technology and other related topics
for blind parents of both blind and sighted children and all of their
attendant technology. The call-in number is (605) 475-4786 and the pass code
is 869480.

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