[New-york-news] Free technology training

Rachel Bodek rybodek at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 04:55:42 UTC 2019

Dear Colleague,


As a regional provider of services to people who are blind and visually impaired, the Olmsted Center for Sight would like to invite you to a professional development presentation with our staff. This half-day instructional presentation is designed to increase the practical knowledge of Teachers of the Visually Impaired and support staff that utilizes assistive technology in their classrooms.


We will be presenting a three hour session broken into the following topics related to technology in the classroom:


Topic 1:  Bluetooth Braille display options - what it does, how to customize for a user, syncing

Topic 2:  JAWS screen reader -what it does, how to customize for a user

Topic 3:  Zoom text - what it does, how to customize for a user

Topic 4:  Tablets and Smartphones – an overview on accessibility and apps


The focus will be on use in the classroom environment and future independence.


This is a free event and if enough interest is generated the first in a series of offerings.


The following dates are available—we ask that we have a minimum of four attendees to run the program and can accommodate a maximum of twenty attendees per date.


February 21- 9am-12pm

February 26- 3pm-6pm

April 23- 9am-12pm


Please rsvp to confirm attendance: Elizabeth Schmidt- 716-888-4638/  <mailto:eschmidt at olmstedcenter.org> eschmidt at olmstedcenter.org or to arrange for a specific group date. 


We look forward to working with you!






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