[New-york-news] Affiliate Legislative Alert

Mike Robinson president at nfbny.org
Wed Jun 12 23:44:03 UTC 2019

Some have contacted me with problems opening the excel files attached to this email.  I am including the information about the committees in the text of the message for easier access.


Assembly Judiciary Committee:  Blind Person's Right to Parent Act

Name						District Number		Phone Number		Email Address			Cosponsor?
Jeffrey Dinowitz (Democrat) Chairperson	District 81		(518) 455-5965		DinowiJ at nyassembly.gov	 
Michele Titus (Democrat)			District 31		(518) 455-5668		titusm at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Charles Lavine (Democrat)			District 13		(518) 455-5456		LavineC at nyassembly.gov	
Kenneth Zebrowski (Democrat)			District 96		(518) 455-5735		zebrowskik at nyassembly.gov	Yes
David Weprin (Democrat)			District 24		(518) 455-5806		weprind at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Edward Braunstein (Democrat)			District 26		(518) 455-4648		braunsteine at nyassembly.gov	
Aravella Simotas (Democrat)			District 36		(518) 455-5014		simotasa at nyassembly.gov	
Dan Quart (Democrat)				District 73		(518) 455-4794		quartd at nyassembly.gov	Yes
David Buchwald (Democrat)			District 93		(518) 455-5397		BuchwaldD at nyassembly.gov	
Phillip Steck (Democrat)				District 110		(518) 455-5931		steckp at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Rebecca Seawright (Democrat)			District 76		(518) 455-5676		seawrightr at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Latoya Joyner (Democrat)			District 77		(518) 455-5671		joynerl at nyassembly.gov	
Thomas Abinanti (Democrat)			District 92		(518) 455-5753		abinantit at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Tremaine Wright (Democrat)			District 56		(518) 455-5474		wrightt at nyassembly.gov	
Monica Wallace (Democrat)			District 143		(518) 455-5921		wallacem at nyassembly.gov	
Anthony Palumbo (Republican) Ranking Mbr	District 2		(518) 455-5294		palumboa at nyassembly.gov	
Michael Montesano (Republican)		District 15		(518) 455-4684		montesanom at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Andrew Goodell (Republican)			District 150		(518) 455-4511		goodella at nyassembly.gov	Yes
Michael Norris (Republican)			District 144		(518) 455-4601		norrism at nyassembly.gov	
Mary Beth Walsh (Republican)			District 112		(518) 455-5772		walshm at nyassembly.gov	
Marjorie Byrnes (Republican)			District 133		(518) 455-5662		byrnesm at nyassembly.gov	

Assembly Corporations committee - Accessible Electronic Information Act
Assembly Member				District Number		Phone		Email Address
Amy Paulin (Democrat), Chairperson		District 88		(518) 455-5585	paulina at nyassembly.gov
Vivian Cook (Democrat)				District 32		(518) 455-4203	CookV at nyassembly.gov
Sandra Galef (Democrat)			District 95		(518) 455-5348	GalefS at nyassembly.gov
Robert Rodriguez (Democrat)			District 68		(518) 455-4781	rrodriguez at nyassembly.gov
Dan Quart (Democrat)				District 73		(518) 455-4794	quartd at nyassembly.gov
Steven Otis (Democrat)				District 91		(518) 455-4897	otiss at nyassembly.gov
Nily Rozic (Democrat)				District 25		(518) 455-5172	rozicn at nyassembly.gov
Ron Kim (Democrat)				District 40		(518) 455-5411	KimR at nyassembly.gov
David Buchwald (Democrat)			District 93		(518) 455-5397	BuchwaldD at nyassembly.gov
Rebecca Seawright (Democrat)			District 76		(518) 455-5676	seawrightr at nyassembly.gov
Erik Martin Dilan (Democrat)			District 54		(518) 455-5821	DilanE at nyassembly.gov
Diana Richardson (Democrat)			District 43		(518) 455-5262	district43 at nyassembly.gov
Carmen De La Rosa (Democrat)			District 72		(518) 455-5807	delarosac at nyassembly.gov
Stacey Pheffer Amato (Democrat)		District 23		(518) 455-4292	amatos at nyassembly.gov
Clyde Vanel (Democrat)				District 33		(518) 455-4711	vanelc at nyassembly.gov
Robert Carroll (Democrat)			District 44		(518) 455-5377	carrollr at nyassembly.gov
Yuh-Line Niou (Democrat)			District 65		(518) 455-3640	niouy at nyassembly.gov
Charles Fall (Democrat)				District 61		(518) 455-4677	fallc at nyassembly.gov
Kimberly Jean-Pierre (Democrat)		District 11		(518) 455-5787	jeanpierrek at nyassembly.gov
Peter Lawrence (Republican), Ranking Member	District 134		(518) 455-4664	lawrencep at nyassembly.gov
Ken Blankenbush (Republican)			District 117		(518) 455-5797	blankenbushk at nyassembly.gov
Christopher Friend (Republican)			District 124		(518) 455-4538	friendc at nyassembly.gov
Nicole Malliotakis (Republican)			District 64		(518) 455-5716	malliotakisn at nyassembly.gov
Philip Palmesano (Republican)			District 132		(518) 455-5791	palmesanop at nyassembly.gov
Kieran Michael Lalor (Republican)		District 105		(518) 455-5725	LalorK at nyassembly.gov
Michael LiPetri (Republican)			District 9		(518) 455-5305	lipetrim at nyassembly.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: New-York-News <new-york-news-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Justin Young via New-York-News
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 3:03 PM
To: New York News <new-york-news at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [New-york-news] Affiliate Legislative Alert

Hello All,

This message is related to two of our legislative priorities.  We have received word that the State Senate will be voting on the Blind Parents bill (S4536) today and with hard efforts from us all we may be able to get the Assembly to also pass the bill.

The Newsline Senate bill (S3599) was passed on May 29, 2019 and is pending in the Assembly Corporations, Authorities, & Commissions committee.  It is our goal to try to get both or one of the respective bills passed by the end of session.

I have attached to this message a draft message you can send to members of the Judiciary & Corporations committees.  The other documents are lists of the membership of these respective committees.
We are asking the following of all members:

Contact the Committee Chairs:

Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz (Judiciary Committee Chair) -
518-455-5965 dinowij at nyassembly.gov
Assembly Member Amy Paulin (Corporations Committee Chair) 518-455-5585 paulina at nyassembly.gov

We are asking these respective committee chairs to help get the Assembly Blind Parenting & Newsline bills through the process so they can get to the floor for consideration.

Contact the bill sponsors to thank them for their advocacy & encourage them to contact members of the respective committees:
Assembly Member Joanne Simon - 518-455-5426 simonj at nyassembly.gov Assembly Member Gary Pretlow - 518-455-5291 pretloj at nyassembly.gov

You can look up your member of the Assembly by using the following link:


If your member of the Assembly is on one or both of the attached committee lists, we ask you contacting them.  If they are not on the list, we still would appreciate you contacting them to request they advocate with their colleagues to pass the bills.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in advancing the priorities of the New York State affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind!


Affiliate Legislative Committee
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