[New-york-news] Important! Great Informational Call This Sunday, June 16th 2019, at 8:00 P.M.

heather.l.bird at gmail.com heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 13:57:59 UTC 2019

This month's call is a great resource for  anyone who will be attending the
NFB or ACB National conventions, the Beep Baseball World Series, a large
guide dog school reunion such as that being held for the Seeing Eye's 90th
Reunion, or other big events at which large numbers of guide, service or pet
dogs may be present. We will have a panel of guide dog users: Heather Bird
who has attended state conventions for NFB and ACB, and the NFB National
Convention as well as the Beep Baseball World Series, and state legislative
seminars for the NFBNYS,  Vanessa Lowry who has attended ACB National
Conventions, Multiple Seeing Eye Reunions and state conventions as well,
Margo Downey who has attended NFB and ACB National conventions, state
conventions and both state and national legislative seminars for the NFB,
and Top Dog Conferences,  and Vicky Curly who has attended national
conventions, state conventions, Top Dog, and several Seeing Eye Reunions.
Bringing a guide dog to an event with hundreds or even thousands of people
can be rewarding and challenging, adding tens or even hundreds of guide dogs
adds a whole other element into the mix, so discussing strategies, tips,
techniques and advice related to having a successful experience, from having
a good guide dog daycare experience at the WS, to finding some precious
downtime at the national convention, to the rigors and pressures of
maintaining the best impression possible of the team during largescale
legislative efforts, to the pride and pressures of returning to your guide
dog school for a reunion,, this call should be of great help.


When: Sunday, June 16th 2019, at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Where: the call-in number is (605) 475-4786, with a pass code of 869480

Who: NAGDU and GDUI members, NFB and ACB members, NBBA members, owner
trainers, handlers of guide or service dogs from any school, anyone
interested in the breeding, raising, training, and handling of guide dogs,

Why: please share this info far and wide, especially with those active in
either of our major blindness organizations, in sports, or in dog related

How: Please call in and announce yourself, we will have everyone introduce
themselves, dog's details, where you are from, etc. then please mute your
phone with *6, you can always unmute to ask a question. Our panel will each
speak about their experiences at various events, then the floor will be
opened for questions, of which we anticipate many.

What: This call is run and hosted by the New York State Affiliate Division
of the National Association of Guide Dog Users, but is open to those living
outside New York State, and to those who are not members of the NFB or the
NAGDU, as our aim is to empower with information guide and service dog
handlers across the United States.


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