[New-york-news] Conference Call Tomorrow Night at 8:00 for All Attending National Convention From NFBNYS

heather.l.bird at gmail.com heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 16:57:05 UTC 2019

Hello, everyone. There will be a conference call tomorrow evening, Sunday,
June 23rd, at 8:00 P.M. This call is being held so that anyone from New York
State who is going to the NFB National convention in July 2019 can have an
opportunity to compare notes, devise strategies and generally discuss the
convention. . Trying to find a roommate? Confused about some of the
logistics? Wondering what it will be like? Wondering how the heck you will
choose between many of the concurrent and overlapping activities? Unsure of
what is expected? Want tips on working a service dog or wrangling children
at convention? Some other question or concern? Just dial in and chat with
others, from first-timers to old pros to ask questions, give and receive
hints, tips, and tricks for making the most of your convention experience.
The call-in number is (605) 475-4786 and the pass code is 869480.

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