[New-york-news] Come and Participate in the NFB Kernel Book Club
heather.l.bird at gmail.com
heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 14:29:07 UTC 2019
We have just launched a new book club which will focus on books written by
the NFB, members and leaders of the NFB, and other books pertaining to the
blindness movement, such as those written about various blindness
organizations, guide dog training programs, biographies of blind people, and
books portraying blind characters.
www.nfbrocbookclub.wordpress.com <http://www.nfbrocbookclub.wordpress.com>
This book club will meet in person every month, typically on the third
Tuesday at Spot Coffee House in Rochester NY. However, for those who are not
local, or who are local, but have a scheduling conflict, we will also be
conducting an online book club through word press. We have a blog at which
our guest editors: Justin Young, Heather Bird, Candice Attrill, Kelleigh
Larsson, Bernice Bird, and Amanda Martins will post an entry each month
dealing with the book of the month. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to
read the book, read the blog post, then participate in a discussion of the
book through the comments section. Simply read through the comments and then
leave one of your own, or reply to an existing comment. Feel free to check
back often to participate in the discussion as it evolves. Please feel free
to go back and check out previously discussed books and leave your comments
there. There's still time to read and participate in discussion of our first
book, What Color is the Sun, which will run from February 20 through March
15, but as previously stated, you can certainly comment after the fact. The
Kernel books are quite short and have a read time of around 90 minutes to 2
hours, maximum. They are broken into small anecdotal, but powerful stories
and are a short, fun, and thought provoking read. Our next book, the Freedom
Bell, will be live from March 15th through April 10th. The Kernel books are
almost all available on NLS Bard. They are also available to download via a
link we will provide. They were, and will soon be available again through
the NFB main website, but as it is under construction, we recommend Bard, or
the link we provide to an audio copy of the book. If you need any assistance
in accessing the blog or finding the books, please contact a member of our
book club committee:
Kathrine Jedinak
kjedynak at exartim.com <mailto:kjedynak at exartim.com>
Jessica McTiernan
jessimica76 at gmail.com <mailto:jessimica76 at gmail.com>
or Jenaya Smith
jenayals at gmail.com <mailto:jenayals at gmail.com>
Chapter presidents, please mention this at your next meeting, and or read
this email to your members. We will also be launching a What's App. Group to
discuss the books as well.
On the blog there are resources including a calendar of upcoming books for
2019, resources for accessing recorded and digital Brailed books, and more.
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