[New-York-News] Register today! Harry Potter Trivia Night Happening Friday 2/5 at 7 PM

Nina Marranca ninam0814 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 01:02:19 UTC 2021

Greetings Federation family

The New York Association of Blind Students is excited to announce an upcoming event.  Please join us on Friday February 5at 7pm for an enchanting night of Harry Potter trivia. This event is open to nonstudents and students alike.  Come show off your knowledge, and win some cool prizes!

We are all missing our four poster beds at Hogwarts.  This event will provide an opportunity to reminisce and show off our wizardly prowess.  Magical folk are welcome from all houses and divisions around the state.  More details will be coming soon and the Zoom link is below.  “whit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure.”  Rowena Ravenclaw

Please register you or your children here:


Here is the zoom info:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 528 850 6207

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Meeting ID: 528 850 6207

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adbySPyLnk

Hope to see you there!
Nina | NYABS President

Nina Marranca
Board Member | National Association of Blind Students
Chair | Outreach Committee
President | New York Association of Blind Students
Ninam0814 at gmail.com<mailto:Ninam0814 at gmail.com>
A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind.

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