[New-York-News] Tech and Culture Programs, February-March

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Wed Jan 27 20:53:56 UTC 2021

News from Your Andrew Heiskell Tech Team

Our community has been exploring the wide world of accessible technology
and culture from home, whether that’s in New York City or the other side of
the world. Notable recent workshops have included an intro to Google Docs,
an 8-week web development course, a Louis Braille birthday celebration and
a 3d design workshop. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to bringing
our community together for learning and fellowship in a virtual space that
is welcoming, fun and inclusive. Want to get involved? Read below to see
what we offer, then email chanceyfleet at nypl.org or call (212) 206-5400,
extension 3, to start your learning journey.


Our team is committed to equity of access for everyone. For all group
workshops, you may join using Zoom via computer, smartphone or tablet, or
you can dial in by phone. One-to-one coaching is available by phone, Zoom
or Google Meet: your choice. Our group workshops always feature
auto-captions, but if you need an interpreter or captions to participate in
coaching or workshops, please email chanceyfleet at nypl.org (at least two
weeks before the event if possible) and we will arrange that access.

One-to-One Coaching

We are here to help you achieve your tech goal! Are you learning the
iPhone, improving your typing, or exploring the web with a screen reader?
We will be happy to match you with a tech coach to work on achieving that

Read Wherever You Are

Our BARD collection offers instant access to all of our Braille and talking
books using a computer, smartphone, tablet or accessible device. Our
members also have free access to Bookshare, a library of over a million
titles which you can read on the web or your smartphone or tablet using
magnification, text-to-speech or Braille. Need the daily paper?
NFB-Newsline is also free and brings you access to local and national
publications from your computer, smartphone, tablet or even a land-line
phone. To get started, just call or email our tech team.

Tech and Culture Workshops

Join our vibrant community for free, interactive workshops every week
covering tech topics for beginners and seasoned users, book discussions, a
Braille study group and more. Below, you’ll find our offerings for February
and March: just use the link within each listing to register. To receive a
reminder about each upcoming workshop or find out about additional pop-up
offerings, email heiskelltech+subscribe at googlegroups.com or contact our
tech team to join our announcement list.

Braille Study Group

Saturdays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

We welcome learners at all levels! Bring your questions, get support for
your learning goals and find out how to learn Braille for free from home.


Intro to Zoom with Accessibility in Mind

Thursday February 4, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Come learn about using Zoom with a screen reader or other access
technology. We'll go over tips for managing your camera and sound,
navigating the mobile and desktop apps, using keyboard shortcuts, choosing
a virtual background, and using important features like screen sharing and
chat. We'll also share some tips for making any Zoom more accessible.


Exploring Blogs and Articles with RSS Readers

Saturday February 13, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

An RSS reader is a mobile or desktop app that lets you subscribe to news
media and blogs so that you can build your own continuously updated reading
list, full of the topics and voices that interest you most. This workshop
will introduce you to options for accessible RSS feed readers, and get you
started with finding RSS feeds you want to follow.


Online Shopping with Accessibility in Mind

Thursday February 18, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Learn about searching online for products, reading reviews, comparing

prices, and getting visual descriptions of items. Find out where to

check online for accessible home appliances, Braille supplies and

accessible games. We’ll also talk about subscription-based services

and online grocery shopping.


Build Your Own Remote Tech Workshop

Tuesday February 23, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Learn and share strategies for choosing topics, preparing an outline,
publicizing your event, handling registration, moderating a remote event,
and facilitating discussion among participants who have different
backgrounds and interests.  This workshop is open to anyone but we
particularly recommend it for those who want to lead virtual events focused
on tech and culture in communities of disability.


Organizing and Finding Files in Windows 10

Tuesday March 2, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Come explore the Windows File Explorer! This workshop will prepare you to
put files where you want them, organize important files into folders,
rename and rearrange files, decide what program will open a particular kind
of file, and search your entire computer or a specific location for exactly
what you need. If you have trouble finding downloads or your Documents
folder is getting way too cluttered, this workshop is for you!


DIY Tactile Drawing

Saturday March 13, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

These days we no longer have easy access to embossers or microcapsule
fusers. However, we don't always need them in order to make tactile
graphics. In fact, there's a long history of DIY tactile graphic
design—with students, designers, and teachers using collaging techniques to
make one-of-a-kind designs. In this workshop, we will cover the history,
basics, and best practices of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tactile graphics. We'll
use materials found in our homes to make our own works of art. Please come
to the Zoom meeting prepared with a stylus or pencil, some paper, and a
Sensational Blackboard or wooden cutting board. If you want to really bring
the party, grab some scissors, glue, tactile junk from around the house
(get creative!), puffy paint, or hot glue. It's going to get messy and fun!


Book Discussion -  What Can a Body Do: How We Meet the Built World

Thursday March 18, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

By Sara Hendrin, DB100228 or available at Bookshare.org.

Named a Best Book of the Year by NPR and LitHub

A fascinating and provocative new way of looking at the things we use and
the spaces we inhabit, and a call to imagine a better-designed world for us

Furniture and tools, kitchens and campuses and city streets—nearly
everything human beings make and use is assistive technology, meant to
bridge the gap between body and world. Yet unless, or until, a misfit
between our own body and the world is acute enough to be understood as
disability, we may never stop to consider—or reconsider—the hidden
assumptions on which our everyday environment is built.


iOS and Android App Swap

Wednesday March 24, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Come share information about your all-time favorite apps and your newest
discoveries. This is an interactive, open discussion for patrons and the
Heiskell tech team to share knowledge and introduce one another to
something new. You do not have to present an app to join, but we welcome
you to present why you enjoy or use an app, along with any pros and cons,
for about 3 minutes plus time for questions.


Spring Conference Roundup: What’s New in Accessible Tech?

Monday March 29, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

We'll gather the news and announcements from CES, ATIA and CSUN to bring
you an interactive exploration of this busy season in accessible technology


Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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