[New-York-News] Tech Workshops - Spring Calendar

Chancey Fleet chanceyfleet at nypl.org
Tue Mar 22 22:17:50 UTC 2022

Intro to NVDA: a 12-week Workshop

Tuesdays beginning April 5, 12:00 -  1:30 PM Eastern

There are several Windows screen readers to choose from. Come discover how
this free, open-source option compares. If you know how to type, understand
Windows basics, can commit to attending twelve sessions, and would like to
become more confident and proficient with the NVDA screen reader, this
workshop is for you! Please plan to join us each week for a hands-on lesson
and discussion. This workshop also includes a group mailing list where you
can post your questions and discoveries for other members of your cohort to
read and respond, as well as a weekly recap that is optional attend half an
hour before the official start of each class. We’ll cover the basics of
customizing NVDA settings, getting around in Windows 10, working with text,
managing files and folders and exploring the web.

This workshop will be limited to 30 participants, so please apply to
participate soon!

This event will take place online.

Register for Exploring NVDA
Exploring Voiceover for Mac- a Twelve-Week Workshop

Tuesdays beginning April 5, 3:00 - 4:30 PM Eastern

If you know how to type,  can commit to attending twelve sessions, and
would like to become more confident and proficient with the Voiceover
screen reader, this workshop is for you! Please plan to join us each week
for a hands-on lesson and discussion. This workshop also includes a group
mailing list where you can post your questions and discoveries for other
members of your cohort to read and respond, as well as a weekly recap that
is optional attend half an hour before the  official start of every class.
We’ll cover the basics of customizing Voiceover settings, getting around in
the Mac OS, working with text, managing files and folders and exploring the

This workshop will be limited to 30 participants, so please apply to
participate soon!

This event will take place online.

Register for Exploring Voiceover
Exploring JAWS - a Twelve-Week Workshop

Tuesdays beginning April 5, 5:00 - 6:30 PM Eastern

If you know how to type, can commit to attending twelve sessions, and would
like to become more confident and proficient with the JAWS screen reader,
this workshop is for you! Please plan to join us each week for a hands-on
lesson and discussion. This workshop also includes a group mailing list
where you can post your questions and discoveries for other members of your
cohort to read and respond, as well as a weekly recap that is optional to
attend half an hour before the official start of every class. We’ll cover
the basics of customizing JAWS settings, getting around in Windows 10,
working with text, managing files and folders and exploring the web.

This workshop will be limited to 30 participants, so please apply to
participate soon!

This event will take place online.

Register for Exploring JAWS
iPhone Chat for Voiceover Beginners

First Saturdays (April 2, May 7, June 4), 1:00 - 2:15 PM Eastern

If you’re new to using Voiceover on the iPhone or if you’re still working
toward confidence, this discussion group is for you. We’ll spend some time
going over the theory of how screen readers work, gestures everyone needs
to know, and some strategies for getting help. Then, we’ll open it up for
questions and networking.

This event will take place online.

Join the Zoom for Voiceover Beginners
iPhone Chat for Voiceover Users: Beyond the Basics

First Saturdays (April 2, May 7, June 4), 2:30 - 4:00 PM Eastern

Talk about customizing gestures and settings, exploring new apps, choosing
accessories, dealing with bugs, and whatever else comes to mind. This is a
space for any and all Voiceover topics that go beyond the basics of using
common gestures and built-in apps.

This event will take place online.

Join the Zoom for Voiceover: Beyond the Basics
The Zoom about Zoom: What Participants and Hosts Need to know

Friday April 1, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Get ready to manage microphones, cameras, chat messages, raised hands,
polls and breakout rooms with confidence. We’ll show you everything you
need to know to bring your best self to virtual gatherings, whether you’re
attending or hosting.

This event will take place online.

Register for the Zoom about Zoom

Descriptive Origami

Saturday April 9, 1:00 - 2:30 PM Eastern

We’ll use effective verbal communication and teamwork to learn origami
models like a lotus, a goldfish and a card holder.

This hands-on event will take place in person: kindly RSVP to
ChanceyFleet at nypl.org to reserve your spot!
Braille Screen Input for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire

Saturday April 16, 1:30 - 3:00 PM

If you know Braille (even if you don’t know contractions), you can type
comfortably and quickly with Braille screen input. In this workshop, we’ll
explore how to set it up, gestures you need to know, and what you can do if
you’re having trouble with this feature.

This event will take place in person and online. Please RSVP to
ChanceyFleet at nypl.org to attend in person, or register to participate

Join the Zoom for Braille Screen Input for iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire
Emojication: Know your Emoji

Wednesday April 6, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Eastern

Join us for a lively discussion about emoji: what they mean, how they
evolve over time, and how blind and low-vision people can understand and
use them with confidence.

This event will take place online.

Join the Zoom for Emojication: Know your Emoji
Using Dictation with Braille Displays on iOS

Wednesday April 13, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Eastern

Many of us use built-in dictation as well as various transcription apps. We
may do it to save time, transcribe long recordings, work with translation,
or make communication more effective when someone has a speech or hearing
impairment. In this workshop, we’ll explore the best practices for getting
dictation to work well with Braille displays, and highlight the performance
of Braille on various dictation and transcription apps.

This event will take place online.

Register for Using Dictation with Braille Displays on iOS
Tactile Graphics Open House

Saturday April 23, 1:30 - 3 PM Eastern

Whether you’re new to the concept of images you can explore by touch or a
seasoned tactile graphics creator, the Dimensions Lab is here to support
you. Come explore our range of graphics embossers, 3D printers, a
swell-form machine, a refreshable graphics tablet, and analog tools for
tech-free, stress-free accessible drawing.

This hands-on event will take place in person: kindly rsvp to
ChanceyFleet at nypl.org to reserve your spot!
What Does it Meme?: Understanding and Sharing Visual Culture

Monday May 2, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Eastern

Memes are a rich part of Internet culture but, usually, they’re not
accessible to blind and low-vision people. Join us as we dive into the
meaning and evolution of memes, and explore how concise, evocative
description can create equity of access in digital spaces.

This event will take place online.

Join the Zoom for What Does it Meme?
Intro to Facebook with Accessibility in Mind

Thursday May 5, 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern

We’ll go over the basics of navigating Facebook with confidence on mobile
and the web. Learn how to create posts including links and photos, navigate
the News Feed, access important settings, handle messages and more.

This hybrid event will take place online and in person. Please RSVP to
chanceyfleet at nypl.org to attend in person, or register for the Zoom:

Register for Intro to Facebook with Accessibility in Mind

Where in the World: Accessible Wayfinding and Mapping for iOS

Wednesday May 18, 3:00 – 4:30 PM Eastern

We’ll explore accessible mainstream apps like Apple and Google Maps, which
can give you walking or transit directions and help you discover points of
interest in your city. Plus, we’ll explore Microsoft Soundscape and
Goodmaps, two apps built to give you precise, accessible guidance.

This event will take place in person and online. To attend in person,
please RSVP to ChanceyFleet at nypl.org or register via Zoom to join online.

Register for the Zoom: Mapping and Wayfinding for iOS
Using iOS Shortcuts

Thursday June 9, 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern

Shortcuts can be used to automate tasks and save time. Join us to explore
examples of effective shortcuts and learn to create your own.

This event will take place in person and online. Email ChanceyFleet at nypl.org
to RSVP in person, or register to participate online.

Register for the Zoom for Using iOS Shortcuts
Tactile Drawing from Still Life

Saturday June 11, 1:30 - 3 PM Eastern

In this hands-on workshop, we’ll explore still life scenes of 3D objects
and then create accessible tactile drawings. A variety of tactile media
will be offered.

This hands-on event will take place in person. Please email
ChanceyFleet at nypl.org to RSVP.
Intro to Google Translate

Wednesday June 15, 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern

Take a deep dive into this powerful cross-platform tool for translation.
We’ll explore how to translate from speech, text, handwriting and the
camera; how to build a list of phrases you use often; and what you need to
know about conversational and continuous translation.

This event will take place in person and online. Email ChanceyFleet at nypl.org
to attend in person, or register to participate online.

Join the Zoom for Intro to Google Translate

Chancey S. Fleet
Assistive Technology Coordinator
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
(212) 621-0627
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