[New-York-News] Input requested on addition of two New York State newspapers to NFB-NEWSLINE

newsline at nfbny.org newsline at nfbny.org
Wed Mar 23 16:38:01 UTC 2022

To all NFBNY-NEWSLINE Subscribers:


We have the opportunity to add two additional New York newspapers to
Newsline in the coming year. We want to know from you which New York State
Newspapers you would like to read which are not currently on Newsline. Areas
in the state where we currently do not have a daily paper include,
Jamestown, Binghamton/Elmira, The Hudson Vally, the Mohawk Valley, the
Adirondacks, and the Saint Lawrence Valley  region. Please let us know in
the next two weeks if you have any thoughts or preference about which daily
newspapers you would like added to the service. 






Luis  A Mendez, Director





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