[New-York-News] Fwd: Open Forum for more input on Audio Description Certification October 2022

Rachel Bodek rybodek at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 18:44:57 UTC 2022

Hi all, see below. This is a good opportunity to learn more about audio description.

This  message  was  sent  with  my  mobile  phone,  please  disregard  any  typos  or  grammatical  errors.  Thanks,  Rachel

Begin forwarded message:

From: Audio Description Training Retreats <info at adtrainingretreats.com>
Date: October 12, 2022 at 7:22:26 PM GMT+1
To: Audio Description Training Retreats <info at adtrainingretreats.com>
Subject: Open Forum for more input on Audio Description Certification October 2022

Hello everyone! 

Below is the email regarding the Certification of Audio Describers, and an invitation to attend, write in, or speak at this information gathering session. Some of you are already aware of this , but I am trying to get the word out to as many people as possible. Especially those in the blind community who are interested in (or currently) writing description. 

If you are interested, the attached Word document has all the information and links to register etc. 

If you want to learn more about the ACVREP Certification process feel free to check out their website: https://www.acvrep.org/

I have been on the committee for over 3 years, and I am passionate about all people of all life experiences getting to learn more about how those who are blind or have low vision can be involved in all aspects of AD. As we prepare to finalize the criteria for what it takes to be a Certified Audio Describer, I want to make sure more voices are being heard across the industry. 

If you have particular questions you can pose them to the listed contacts or I can do my best to steer you in the right direction. Otherwise please consider checking out the email below and attached announcement. If anyone has any trouble accessing information please let me know. And I look forward to having more insight from my colleagues on their AD work. Perhaps this can go some distance in changing opinions on the current status of description and what it could be in the future.

Be well! 
Colleen Connor of Audio Description Training Retreats 
info at ADTrainingRetreats.com 
=Beginning of Email from Kim Charlson who is the VP of the committee=
From: Kim Charlson <Kim.Charlson at perkins.org>
Hello All,


Thanks to all of you for your patience...attached to this message is the official notice for the Open Forum.


...Let’s all commit to sharing the announcement with our contacts in the next 24 hours, so that the word gets out and we do our best to minimize the impact of the delay.


Thanks to all for the assistance in getting the word out, and for all of your continuing work and support of this initiative!

 Talk soon!


=End of email text= 


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