[New-York-News] NYS 2023 Pre-Convention Virtual Program Agenda

Heather Bird heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 22:14:03 UTC 2023

This agenda can also be found on our website, however we are sending out a
copy via email and attached to give people easier access to details and

*NFBNYS 2023 Convention Virtual Experience*

Please join us virtually for a series of meetings of our special interest
groups, divisions, and committees in the week leading up to our In-Person
main event. We hope to see as many of you as possible in Albany this year,
however if you truly can’t be with us, you will be missed, and there are
virtual experience links for the majority of our in-person meetings and
sessions as well. So, check back closer to convention as events taking
place on Friday through Sunday, December 8th through 12th will be added to
this virtual agenda for those joining us by Zoom on Convention Weekend.

Please note: All times are given in EST, Eastern Standard Time, so please
adjust accordingly. Zoom and One-Tap-Mobile links as well as dial in
information are provided for each meeting, after the description and
contact info.

*Monday December 4th, 2023*

*The New York Association of Guide Dog Users *7:00 P.M.

Come and join us for the first segment of a two-part series on considering
the decisions surrounding applying for a guide dog. This session focuses on
exploring the very real and compelling pros and cons that come along with
handling a guide dog. We want to offer an alternative to the standard
cautiously crafted, and sometimes vague answers to many of the common
questions that potential guide dog handlers have.  We are giving clear and
less ambiguous answers exploring both sides of these considerations.
Working with a guide dog isn’t a list of 3-star reviews, but rather a range
of experiences. Everyone must apply their own personal equation.

This will be a seminar style presentation, with time for a Q and A after,
door prizes of course, and hand-outs sent upon request.

Heather Bird
President, New York Association of Guide Dog Users
(585) 739-6473
Heather.L.Bird at Gmail.com

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 416 814 8519
Passcode: 92645
One tap mobile

*Blind Diabetics of New York *8:00 P.M.

If you or a loved one is diabetic or prediabetic, or if you are interested
in learning more about Diabetes and its management, you are invited to join
the NYS Diabetic Group for a Virtual Holiday Pajama Party! Wear your
favorite warm jammies and bring your favorite holiday treats. To celebrate
holiday cheer diabetic style. BDNY meets monthly to discuss a variety of
Diabetes related topics, so come and check us out between conventions too.

Jovan Campbell
Organizer, Blind Diabetics of New York
(917) 328-5098
NavoJ818 at Gmail.com

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 833 9412 7618

Passcode: 837866

One tap mobile


*Tuesday December 5th, 2023*

*Blind Parents of New York *7:00 P.M.

Come join us to catch up with your fellow blind parents, and bring your
ideas for how we should move forward with events and activities next year.
Grab a hot beverage, those great ideas for this group in 2024, and, of
course, some of your favorite parenting stories from 2023.

Candice Attrill

Organizer, Blind Parents of New York

(585) 645-2716

Candice.Attrill at Gmail.com

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 874 6702 7159

One tap mobile


*Blind Seniors of New York *7:00 P.M.

What did you come into this room for? What were we talking about? What DID
you have for breakfast anyway? Though we discuss these and other timeless
queries, in the BSNY, we also come together to problem solve, collaborate,
advocate, and actively work for change for blind seniors across New York
State. Come and join us as we gather to reflect upon 2023, and to chart a
course for 2024.

Mindy Jacobsen
Organizer, Blind Seniors of New York
(212) 255-6688
MindyJoy at nyc.rr.com

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 843 0937 0668

Passcode: 981435

-One tap mobile


*Wednesday December 6th, 2023*

*NFBNYS Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee*

8:00 P.M.

Tis’ the season for giving, and the NFBNYS DEI Committee has a special gift
for you!  In honor of Human Rights Month and our 67th Annual State
Convention, Guest speaker, Samelys Lopez, from the Commission on Human
Rights, will be hosting a presentation on Disability through that lens.

Rasheta Bunting

Chair, NFBNYS Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee
(347) 337-4606

RashetaBunting at Gmail.com

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 826 1357 3938

One tap mobile

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